Just dropped my notebook

Ibanez | Jan

Just posting .gifs
Dec 1, 2009
My notebook just fell off my desk.
It still starts normally (display OK), Windows went into repair mode and fixed a few things but now it stays black after the Bios startup thingy and I can't even boot from USB / CD.

Wat to do?
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Check ram, check for shorts.
You do have bios polling usb/cd 1st, as your hd may be potatoed


Edit: Check for unseated RAM, could be a simple fix
If your bios boot order looks to hd 1st, it sometimes doesn't check other devices and just stops.

Forgot Katy Perry in a smurf dress.
If your bios boot order looks to hd 1st, it sometimes doesn't check other devices and just stops.

Forgot Katy Perry in a smurf dress.

Already deactivated all boot devices except rom, still stays black. Fuck this shit.
see if you can plug your laptop HD into a desktop as a slave.

if you can do that, see if you can access it via the desktop.

if you can, try to run a boot repair on the SLAVE drive you just connected ( the laptop one )
Also, try disconnecting power and pull your laptop battery. Then hit the power button a number of times to discharge whatever is left then try booting with just the power cord.
can you see the HD in BIOS?

it might be the HD, video card, MoBo damage, or you could just need a bios restore
see if you can plug your laptop HD into a desktop as a slave.

if you can do that, see if you can access it via the desktop.

if you can, try to run a boot repair on the SLAVE drive you just connected ( the laptop one )

Sounds like a good idea, will do that asap!

Also, try disconnecting power and pull your laptop battery. Then hit the power button a number of times to discharge whatever is left then try booting with just the power cord.

Just tried that, nothing. Always shows me a black screen after bios run.

Was your laptop powered on when it fell?

Yes, had it connected when I tripped over the fucking cable. After the fall the screen went grey / black / white with stripes.

can you see the HD in BIOS?

it might be the HD, video card, MoBo damage, or you could just need a bios restore

Yes, BIOS says everything is fine.
HD damage? Not sure as I can't even boot from CD.
Video card? I think the screen should stay black during the boot sequence.
Broken mainboard? Yeah, maybe. :/
Pull out HD, Ram, Battery, etc. Put back in try again.. Oh wait, black screen after.. Yeah your HD is fucked, your laptop should load BIOS, anything after that is all Hard Drive.. Must have scratched the disk or shattered it badly.. You'll need a new HD from what I can tell..
Also, try putting HD as the first booting option, CD second. If it boots from CD, your HD is fucked.

Doesn't boot anything. No HD, no CD. Maybe motherboard fucked. Will check the HD like eliquid told me.
Make sure you are using a real bootable CD. You can find some small CDs and floppy images at bootdisk.com (it is possible your HDD won't boot to OS, AND your CD-ROM drive is fucked up)

If the BIOS can detect the drive, then the disk is recoverable.