Just a hi from Brazil!

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New member
Dec 24, 2007
Hello everyone!

Its a pleasure to finally be part of an affiliate community and it seems i just picked the best one to start with hehe. My name is Carlos i am 25 years old and i am from Brazil. I have a background of working as a slave at the IBM branch in Brazil and then 3 years on domaining giving half the money i make money to Sedo and Namedrive hehe. Now i am looking to learn about arbitrage and affiliate, as i see its an interesting and very exciting way to make a living. I am passionate about what i do and i am very eager to learn and learn here, as you guys can imagine its hard to make a living down here so i am trying my best and working hard to have success in life, doing what i love. Sorry about any grammar errors, never had an english teacher and everything ive learned of english was on forums with a dictionary by my side LOL. I hope i make many new friends around here, and that you guys have the kindness and patience to help a brazilian newbie to learn a trick or two!

Thanks a lot,

Carlos :)

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"
LOL man i almost pissed myself with the bush joke.
the burro de menina thing i dont think you did that on google translator ;-)
About the song, man it was funny when brian sang it on a family guy episode, cant remember wich one.... anyway... thanks for the warm welcome :D
And then people say that we hate newbies and introductions...no, we don't, we just hate lame ass noob introductions :D

Yours is cool, so welcome to WF!:smilie_weihn_winki:
Thanks MisterX! at least i wasnt called a worthless assrat yet. Maybe in the post below me now eh :p
Oh, and fuck, fucking shit. Done, im a true member now roflol
Plus, i have this ebook..... whoaaa just kidding!
Thanks MisterX! at least i wasnt called a worthless assrat yet. Maybe in the post below me now eh :p
Oh, and fuck, fucking shit. Done, im a true member now roflol
Plus, i have this ebook..... whoaaa just kidding!

Haha, my stomach hurts...lol @ assrat...you just invented a brand new WF word!
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