JPMorgan Chase - financing terror


WF Bronze Member
May 13, 2011
Gone Baby Gone
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Good find, noob. You'll do ok around here.

Doesn't suprise me one bit that one of our most powerful masters' bad deeds exposed doesn't make it to the major news outlets...
They are not directly funding terror though, they are facilitating transactions for governments / citizens of states which the US states are supporting "terrorism". Given that most here would agree that the US is funding / supporting "terrorism", surely anyone who willingly does business with the US gov is guilty at the same level?
They are not directly funding terror though, they are facilitating transactions for governments / citizens of states which the US states are supporting "terrorism". Given that most here would agree that the US is funding / supporting "terrorism", surely anyone who willingly does business with the US gov is guilty at the same level?

Indeed, by the U.S. government's own definition of state sponsored terrorism the U.S. is the largest such sponsor.
Yes, the banks have invaded our government, robbed us blind, sent us to war, and now they are coming for our personal liberties.. all while manipulating the media matrix that keeps the sheeple sleeping.

But of course, this is all just conspiracy theory crazy talk.
this shouldn't be news to anyone. banks have been financing both sides of conflicts since the idea of a large central bank was in play.
Stab in the dark: the thread was bumped by troll/spam/etc. .Hack, who has been doing winter cleaning around here, may have erased them rather than applying a simple ban.

It's on each of us to determine whether replying is worthwhile, given the bump. That is, we should keep our eyes open.