Journey to $100/Day Journal.


New member
Oct 19, 2006
Hey guys, I just thought I would make a thread so I had somewhere I can put my thoughts down and share with you my journey. I'm not the best writer so bear with me.

I started back into the online making money world after an 8 year hiatus. I was 14 when I first started and signed up for WF (Hence my 2006 Join date) I made a few thousand dollars selling anime sites as a teen than gave up when I couldn't do it anymore. I have 2 years left of college so I thought why not in those 2 years of freedom I have left try and make something big happen? So here I am.

Some-things about me

1. I'm really impulsive so when I think of an idea I start on it right away, this can be a good and a bad thing. It's good that I'm always being proactive, bad that I will have a lot of failed ideas.

2. I was semi-pro in LoL which is the biggest game in the world at the moment. (WTF does this have to do with anything?) Well I believe there are a ton of parallels between becoming a pro gamer and good at any other life skill, as nerdy as it sounds.
Becoming good at video games to the point you're in the 0.0001% requires you to be extremely self-critical and know why and how to fix things when they go wrong. It also taught me to always imitate good players actions not what they say - and the biggest thing - always take actions because no matter how much you read about dancing, it won't make you a good dancer.​

I've already been working for 30 days straight, close to 15-18 hours a day.
Everything from watching videos/reading/a lot of social media shit just everything under the sun I have done.

--- What I've done in 30 days so far ---

- I've immediately recognized that writing is not a strength I have at all. I’m a poor college student so I can’t afford to spend what little money I have on things like graphic design/copywriting.

- I’ve register 3 domains and hosting, I’ve been jotting down all the ideas I have so far and I’ve got it down to what I want to try.

- First site will be a T-shirt website where I hoped to sell T-shirts using social media. I got this idea after seeing some dude in the gym with a “TRAIN INSAIYAN” T shirt.

- Second site will be an amazon affiliate website where I was hoping to sell a niche product I had tried and worked really well for me.

- Third site will be my “Money site”. I’ve always dreamed of having a great website that brings in a few $$K a month through adsense. I always failed hard with adsense, but I love the idea of having a passive income website.

- I started working on the first site. At first I tried to learn vector art so I could create t shirts via spread shirt. After a few hours of reading tutorials and trying shit out I found out I’m artistically retarded. So the next step was using other peoples designs, I wanted to be all legit so it didn’t feel right jacking other people’s designs so I signed up for the designbyhumans affiliate program. Got accepted but they had none of the shirts I wanted to promote available. Got sick and tired of this idea and scrapped it.

- Second site started out well, I wrote a few articles by myself. I would google the product I was pushing, see other people’s content/reviews and basically cried. Literally reviews left by random amazon members were better than my shit. This really pissed me off, so I decided to scrap trying to get people to buy off my website using the “Write great reviews/Hope people find your site and buy” method I had read about. I read CCarter’s thread about traffic leaking and I did remember how people on forums I visited tended to trust each other so much. You can have the best review website in the world but if I’m in a “old boys club” with forum members they will ALWAYS buy off me. I put this to the test.

It worked. My only goal for the month was to get 1 sale.

I reached my goal x94. It felt great but I just wish the product costed more than $10, but whatever. Till this day the forum thread gives me 400-500 visits/day and a few sales. I got bored of this site and felt like I milked as much as I could, I moved onto my money site.

Most of my ideas come really randomly. I know a lot of the “make money” blogs I read all emphasis research before diving into a niche but my mind works differently..
I was searching for a certain something, clicked the first link and just thought to myself “This is the best site for this? Jesus Christ what a shit site I could make a 10x bet—“ … and I started. Little did I realize this niche was competitive as fuck. The only thing I knew I had over this dude and the rest of them was I knew where to get better content and I knew what people preferred to see (in terms of content).
I basically copied this dude’s entire onsite SEO and learned from it, because hell if he’s ranking with such a shit site, he’s probably doing it right. I did some more research and found out the owner is some middle aged SEO…it made sense now because his websites content was really out of touch, it was a trendy niche written by a lame ass dude. I had to take his ass down. I decided to utilize some things he wasn’t doing, such as social media that trendy people actually use, like Tumblr and Instagram. I knew what worked on these because I used them myself and was I guess you can say “in touch”?
Skip ahead a few weeks, my web site’s design looks great, I used some website that tells me what wordpress plugins a URL you input is using, typed in the guy that’s #1 in my niche and copied all his plugins and set it up.

I’ve literally shared my website everywhere. You know that feeling when you have something cool to sure so when you share it, it just doesn’t come off as spam because YOU KNOW what you’re sharing is awesome? That’s how it was for me, I literally can’t do that with shit content but I believed in my shit and it worked. I posted my shit everywhere people were even slightly looking for this niche. It worked! I was getting decent traffic every day and I even hit a money term on Google that I rank for #3 in this niche. None of the other guys are going after this keyword but it’s SO OBVIOUS if you actually live and breathe this niche like I have for the past 3 weeks.
The goal of this site is to eventually make a decent amount of money every day on adsense. But it’s been really pissing me off because the clicks give GREAT MONEY, like sometimes I would get clicks worth $1-2 but my CTR was absolutely shit. The theme I’m using is awesome but I don’t know if it’s just poor placement on my part or..Idk..I just want more clicks so lately I’ve been testing different placements. I’ve realized I need at least 1,000 visitors a day to actually gauge a good understanding on what placement’s work…but that will come soon… for now I have to focus on crushing the serps..
Here are some social stats from my money website:
I did do some tricks to get followers easier but no stupid ass fiverr gigs. These are all people that are into my niche, so when I post a new pic on instagram I will get 100 likes and 5-10 comments. When I post a picture to tumblr I get atleast 20-30 reblogs. MY MOST REBLOGGED IMAGE is 10k. I have NO CLUE how that happened, but it did. Really lucky there.

Instagram: 2k Followers
Pinterest: 1k Followers
Tumblr: 1k Followers

Goals: - After I start making a decent amount of $$ every month I’m hoping to purchase the “Cosmic domains” service by a user on here named Golnar. I want to create a PBN because I’ve realized that’s the best way to rank my website. I’ve done everything I can in terms of social media/natural link building via forums/blogs the next step is either buying PR links related to niche or starting a PBN. I’ve been reading a ton about them but it seems like it’s still a bit out of my level, I want to have a steady revenue before delving too deap.

Notes: I’ve left out a TON in this journal so far, like the hours of frustration, the conclusions and AHA! Moments. The little tricks you pick up along the way, and a bunch of things I’d rather keep to myself. I feel like I’ve shared a good amount though!

Today I had an idea that I thought would be super cool for my money site. I searched around to see if a plugin existed for my idea. I couldn't find out.

This introduced me to my first risk. I went on Fiverr and looked for a wordpress/php programmer, I told him my idea, he said it would cost 10 gigs, or $50.
Gulp. Most of you would laugh at that amount of money but to me it's a decent chunk of change. I said fuck it, and went for it. The guy was awesome and he had my shit done in a few hours. I added it to my website, posted on reddit about how "This cool x has this new feature no one else has in this niche".



Absolute GARBAGE CTR but I will have to learn to fix that later, just happy for now.
After I start making a decent amount of $$ every month I’m hoping to purchase the “Cosmic domains” service by a user on here named Golnar.

C'mon bro. Take it easy, I forgive you. I'll even give you some nice discount.

And good luck.


C'mon bro. Take it easy, I forgive you. I'll even give you some nice discount.

And good luck.



Okay Rez, if golnar :D gives you a nice discount like he said I'll cover the cost of his Cosmic domains for 1 keyword for you and maybe speed up this journal a bit :)

golan, when you sort it out with Rez PM me your paypal to cover his package
C'mon bro. Take it easy, I forgive you. I'll even give you some nice discount.

And good luck.



Okay Rez, if golnar :D gives you a nice discount like he said I'll cover the cost of his Cosmic domains for 1 keyword for you and maybe speed up this journal a bit :)

golan, when you sort it out with Rez PM me your paypal to cover his package
Wow you guys are unreal generous, thank you so much! I really can't accept this though, from all the PBN information I've read I know getting a good domain is just a beginning, I need an ahrefs subscription, separate hosts, unique content and a bunch of other things I'm sure I have no clue about yet. Maybe in 5-6 months, for now my plate is way full :) Thanks so much though.
Today is fitting to be my highest traffic and revenue day so far!
I'm really excited because most social media traffic I've had before is a big spike than it dies but the traffic has been flowing for like 20 hours now, really awesome.

So far I've gotten $2.98 just a few hours in the day.
My best day for an ENTIRE DAY was $3.88, so I am sure today will be my biggest revenue day from adsense. Awesome.

More great news:
Before I checked my serps and I was nowhere to be seen for my incredibly hard main keyword. Now I show up in the 50-60 range! Woo! Checked some smaller but still competitive keywords and literally across the board I have raised rank! I guess my domain authority is getting stronger, feels good man.

So I think I will start updating you guys weekly on my progress. It's way too boring to do a daily log because all I do updating my various social media accounts with new content, retrieving new content for my website and thinking of more ways to creatively set my self apart from the competition, mix in link building, and reading a shit ton, etc. Not to mention checking analytics and adsense every 3 minutes, srsly gotta stop with the sick APM.

But I guess in a way those daily mundane tasks really are the most important.

One more thing, that's kinda offsetting to me is, I visited warrior forum for maybe some inspiration and other people making money from adsense and it kinda sickened me, the only threads you see are people trying to make money by telling people how to make money...or a guy asking for basic SEO advice and when he tells you his website it's, like WTF... made me laugh.
Hmm... shitty CTR I can not do a lot about without seeing the site.

One quote that stuck with me was:
"Remove everything that is of no value to the user. Keep only things he can interact with, things he will talk about, share or click to make you money."

If ya want more than that .. PM me

I need an ahrefs subscription, separate hosts, unique content and a bunch of other things

Majestic SEO has a free API up to 1000 I believe. If you cant code Try URL Profiler Its cheap and has a 7 day free trial.

One trick that I and Im sure others use is Run your expired or dropped domain through it and often you can bring back the old content which could be unique and may still hold SEO value.

Add a few articles yourself over the week and drop a few backlinks to your money site.

This can be done in a hour or two and then add 1-2 posts per week to keep it alive. Once you can, start outsourcing articles it becomes even easier and pretty much hands-free.


Also with targeted traffic affiliate offers have been much more profitable then anything I have done Adsens related.
I need an ahrefs subscription, separate hosts, unique content and a bunch of other things I'm sure I have no clue about yet.

Just a tip you can get a shared Ahrefs account for 2 weeks for $5 on fiverr. Then you can just run and download all the reports you need. It's a lot easier on the wallet when you're just starting out.
Gutted you're not posting here anymore OP, would have really liked to have seen how you're getting on. If you're still alive/active make an overview or something. Hope it all worked out for you.