Journey out of broke


New member
Mar 31, 2016
Hey guys how are you all doing?

I'm a fresh graduate from a University here in the UK and caught the entrepreneurial bug second year of my degree. I had a real small venture last year while writing my dissertation thesis, made about two hundred pounds, but I honestly didn't enjoy what I was doing after the buzz wore off so just focused on completing my degree which I now have at age 24.

Graduated in January of 2016, got a solid grade, but now sitting here four months out of Uni broke and in my friggin' room all day because I don't really want to enter the 9-5 world and I've been struggling to make anything happen online business wise because of information overload! I've had jobs since I was 13. 1 paper round turned into 3, kept that until I was 18 and by then I'd already been working in retail for two years while getting my A-Levels at Sixh-Form (or high school for you folks out there in the states). I personally want a different life-style - the last two generations of men (my grand-dad and my dad) in my family worked 100 hour weeks. My grand-dad died of a stroke at 60 and my dad had a mini-stroke last year at 50. I'm not going that way. I'd rather put my work-ethic towards something that's enjoyable.

I got my grades back mid-Jan and just sat down and researched internet marketing and online business for hours each day. I actually started writing an info product (a kindle book) but I literally had no direction or conceivable way to make money and economic realities started setting in.

I have a volunteering gig at the local hospital pushing folk around in wheelchairs and generally being a constructive member of society but unfortunately that won't put fuel in my car lol. Living with my parents right, broke, only seeing the my friends once or twice a month, and even then it's them who drive over here and kick back with me. A few bottles of Grey Goose and some good company is all I have to offer lol. But shit I do not like this.

My boy asked me if I wanted to go to Amsterdam with him next month.

This is a little bit of motivation for me to buck up and make some money.

I suppose what I'd like to know is if someone out there maybe takes pitty on a young fool like my and could show me the ropes or something. I used what little money I had to get a HostGator account with unlimited domains and I've been writing blog articles on my laptop, have a few now, but there aren't really anything I can make money from, though I do pose some very strong written skills and feel as if I do create good copy.

I appreciate you guys anyway. Sorry if my post sounds lame but I just had to turn down the second social invitation today due to my brokeness lol. I'm not sitting around trust me, I started an InstaGram, a SnapChat and a YouTube and just talk about everything and anything that I can think about. I don't want there to be a minute that goes by each day where I am not trying to turn my shitty situation around.

Much love,

Hello! My name is Samuel and I believe I may just be the right person to help you out. I am an experienced Affiliate Marketer currently earning SIX FIGURES PER YEAR. It is an honor for me to assists newbies like you hence I am more than willing to offer you a Six Figures Coaching program for FREE. Just sign up under me and have all your questions answered. Please add me up on skype ​(Skype​ ​Username: steinhoffs2000)​ ​so​ ​we​ ​can​ ​schedule​ ​a​ ​time​ ​to​ ​chat!​