Jon's Blog hacked by Russians?


New member
May 24, 2007
I was going to go read Jon's blog ( and then Google gave me the huge *Warning Malware* page.

Looks like it got infected with 2 Trojans from the Russians?

Anyway, just thought it was interesting and that I would share. Here are the screen shots, sorry about they are so huge.



^^ ? probably because both sites listed in the report are with a Russian extension.
i dont think its a warning, more likely an experiment - so when does google automatically throw itself on your web server and tell you something's been hacked . .
Fuck all of you my exs farther teaches nuclear medicine at St Petersbugre Uni in Russia and is real ex KGB and he says your are losers...Now one part of this is real guess which part
Fuck all of you my exs farther teaches nuclear medicine at St Petersbugre Uni in Russia and is real ex KGB and he says your are losers...Now one part of this is real guess which part

well, ill guess is the fact that the KGB still exists...

I took a picture of their damn building in Minsk.