Jon Fisher Says theres no Conspiracy / Illuminati, Ke$ha Dissagrees!


New member
Jun 21, 2009
[ame=""]Ke "I'm the leader of the Illuminati" she tells Rolling Stone Magazine - YouTube[/ame]

C'mon folks OBVIOUSLY Ke$ha > Jon. Watch video and discuss.

Good luck, OP.

you managed an aged account so you dont make a mockery of your main and you post this?

at least post some titties man
This is my main account actually. I just don't post every day like some people. Maybe i'm just to busy with StackThatMoney and being on the IMGrind. Ya feel me dawg? I thought this was the Gay webmaster forum. but.... here ya go.


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Cool vid. I like what the guy has to say.

Port-A-Potty pop stars indeed.

George Bush - New World Order

Adolf Hitler - New World Order

trust them they ain't on the same side.............................................cough
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Yup the anti gov't market would be huge money but theres no denying that Mark is passionate about what hes saying whether you believe it or not.

That is the key!
OMG, I gotta start selling to anti-gov people. That guy was annoying beyond belief and yet:

200,699 subscribers 40,372,059 views


Bro, yes.

Add a slightly Christian theme to your anti-NWO marketing, and you'll have a lifetime supply of Truther $$$ flying into your pockets.

I'd jump into this market, but I don't think I could sleep at night. Wait, yes I could.

I'm just too lazy.