Jesse Willms Assets Frozen


New member
Sep 12, 2009
Looks like the FTC banhammer finally came down on Jesse.

Local man's assets frozen in alleged fraud

U.S. judge freezes assets of Alberta internet salesman - Business - CBC News

"Under the order, any assets held by Willms outside the United States and Canada must be repatriated, said Bob Schroeder, northwest regional director for the FTC. The order also prohibits Willms from engaging in any business that uses a negative option - or opt out - feature to gain sales, he said."

It will be interesting to see what happens to the continuity billing model with iWorks and Jesse out of business.

I refuse to believe that this is the end of him. From the sound of it, he's a really smart guy that won't let things like this happen unprepared. Unless he's jailed up, everything's just as planned.
I refuse to believe that this is the end of him. From the sound of it, he's a really smart guy that won't let things like this happen unprepared. Unless he's jailed up, everything's just as planned.

Intelligence goes out the window when greed takes over, it's greed that got Jesse caught. Just couldn't manage is emotions, to tell when it was time to quit.
Intelligence goes out the window when greed takes over, it's greed that got Jesse caught. Just couldn't manage is emotions, to tell when it was time to quit.

You think his group of lawyers didn't anticipate this? Again, unless he's in jail, he's pretty much safe.
You think his group of lawyers didn't anticipate this? Again, unless he's in jail, he's pretty much safe.

I bet they did, it's not to corrupt people. I wouldn't be surprised if we hear from him again, nobody has managed to stop Kim Schmitz from committing fraud.
Media reports say that Willms has blamed his troubles on unscrupulous business associates who he claims defrauded him by stealing credit card numbers in order to generate commissions with bogus sales. He is scheduled for trial in the U.S. in July 2012.

Get ready because Jesse's gonna snitch
Hello friend,

I no think Jesse Willms worry. With money he make from green tea, acai, white teeth and penny auction he probably buy island country and make his own laws. So government of America no can arrest him.

Also if they freeze his money how can he feed poor.


Good luck bros
Hello friend,

I no think Jesse Willms worry. With money he make from green tea, acai, white teeth and penny auction he probably buy island country and make his own laws. So government of America no can arrest him.

Also if they freeze his money how can he feed poor.


Good luck bros

Will he still sponsor dolphins?