Jeremy Johnson - iworks - Arrested by the IRS - Chad Elie


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Well, I guess this could be seen as the final nail in the coffin pre-sentencing, as these two suits will be very tough to come out unscathed.

This story would make a crazy good movie if the real story is told...

Anyway, here it is: Jeremy Johnson has been arrested by IRS agents, trying to skip town from AZ to Costa Rica. Probably shouldn't have *ALLEGEDLY* told a certain Floridian man before you bounced.. :/

Las Vegas high-roller, fraud lawsuit figure arrested - VEGAS INC

Cool story bro.

But last year he and his companies were sued by the Federal Trade Commission in Las Vegas in what the FTC called a nationwide $289 million Internet scam (up from $275 million alleged earlier) in which consumers were deceptively enrolled in programs to obtain government grants and for other services.

Whoever snitched on him is weak as fuck.

But it shows you can't trust anyone, if I was him I would have told everyone I was headed to mexico, leaving from AZ, then drove 150-200 miles in any direction to a smaller airport and chartered a plane (cash) out of the country.
if I was him I would have told everyone I was headed to mexico, leaving from AZ, then drove 150-200 miles in any direction to a smaller airport and chartered a plane (cash) out of the country.

If I was him I would have escaped the country via hot air balloon.
If I was him I would have escaped the country via hot air balloon.
