Jeff's Shortcuts

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The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
Okay, so if you've been alive in the last 3 years or more you've seen this bullshit jeff's shortcuts internet system. We all know that this is complete bull shit. Can we plan a master crank call and record it or something?

Sry guys, i'm drunk and this commercial in on and the testimonials are insane.

Is that the commercial with the two chicks that talk about how its easier than checking your email?
Bwahaha I watch this all the time because it makes me piddle my pants with those stupid Australian bimbos and the retarded jeff Paul selling ppl "systems"
without actually explaining how they work.
Notice how the testimonials are always "Now I make UP TO $xx,xxx per week."
I'd be curious how many orders are placed each night for this BS...

No doubt though the guy is making bank, paul has been around for ages.
This is 1 of 500. All pretty funny if you ask me. Owners make bank, 100,000's of people fail miserably. A couple hundred succeed that would of already succeeded if they did a little more research before buying to stupid fucking package.

End of story
This is 1 of 500. All pretty funny if you ask me. Owners make bank, 100,000's of people fail miserably. A couple hundred succeed that would of already succeeded if they did a little more research before buying to stupid fucking package.

End of story

Sounds like every single rebill out there... your quote could apply to:

-getting a government grant
-losing weight
-getting better sleep
-getting brighter, whiter teeth


Your quote is basically how negative-option "free trials" operate; they prey on those that will become the fodder for your quote.
Is this Jeff Paul's stuff?

This guy has been around for like 20 years, and has had some horrendous publicity and lawsuits etc. And he's still banking hard enough to afford infomercials every night.

My feeling is that if they haven't shut ol' Jeff down yet, you have some mileage still left in those rebills.
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