Java Degree - How useful is Java career wise?


New member
Jul 17, 2013
I'm thinking about getting more serious about programming and I'm considering doing a part time OOJ Java degree. I'm already pretty familiar with PHP and have been hacking bits of code for years, I could write a basic CMS from scratch but really I have no idea about best practises, security, etc.

In terms of career and opportunities how useful is Java? Would I be better off just continuing with PHP on my own (there isn't an equivalent course for PHP).

I'm in the UK by the way.

Have a look at odesk/elance, Java has some good gigs and if you learn it well you can use it to raise funds for IM projects at will. I still occasionally take up some C# projects on and off.
There are a reasonable number of corporate java jobs in the UK.

What is "OOJ"?

The course will probably make you a much better programmer, as Java requires more thought, and you'll generally end up doing something more properly.

It's not just about learning Java, it's about being a better programmer.

If you think you have the self discipline, you could try an online course in Java / Python / Ruby / Anything But PHP (there's a reason there's no PHP degree courses) - there's plenty of jobs in these other languages as well, if that's what you want.

The python one I suggest is "Learn Python The Hard Way", but there's several good ones for each language.
^^Object-oriented I guess... hmmm.

I would honestly suggest taking a C# course instead. Almost the same thing as Java, but so much nicer to write code using C# it's not even funny. :)

Not all universities care about your code quality or teach security/best practices. Most of the time your assignments will be checked by Masters students or some auto-grader and you won't get any valuable feedback.

PHP and it's community is actually improving lately. See PHP: The Right Way for example.

Still though, most tutorials just teach you spaghetti coding, so I guess it's hard to pick the right ones when you are just starting out.

But if done right it's definitely a marketable skill, you can get a full time job a few days after writing your application here in Switzerland if you are somewhat proficient, there is a big lack of talent around here.

EDIT: Check Laravel and PHP-FIG out if you actually decide to get into it. (and if OP is not just an xrumer bot)
I just fucking knew mattseh would pull thru and make this a PHP vs ALL other langs thread

You paid the toll my friend, you paid the toll....
OP, Java tends to be big corporate stuff (think 'enterprise'), if that's what you want to get into then it would be a good choice. Lots of programmers avoid Java like the plague (maybe as much as PHP).

If you want to do web stuff (and more) I suggest you learn Python (Django, Flask), Ruby (RoR) or Javascript (node.js/meteor), try Python first.

The more PHP you 'learn', the more you'll have to unlearn later.
^^Object-oriented I guess... hmmm.

I would honestly suggest taking a C# course instead. Almost the same thing as Java, but so much nicer to write code using C# it's not even funny. :)

Not all universities care about your code quality or teach security/best practices. Most of the time your assignments will be checked by Masters students or some auto-grader and you won't get any valuable feedback.

Yes I meant object oriented, no idea why I wrote it like that.

OP, Java tends to be big corporate stuff (think 'enterprise'), if that's what you want to get into then it would be a good choice. Lots of programmers avoid Java like the plague (maybe as much as PHP).

If you want to do web stuff (and more) I suggest you learn Python (Django, Flask), Ruby (RoR) or Javascript (node.js/meteor), try Python first.

The more PHP you 'learn', the more you'll have to unlearn later.

This is the reason I wanted to take a course, to learn how to program 'properly'. A lot of PHP seems to be people just hacking bits of code together.
I prefer C# to java but they're almost identical.

Java is used to build native android apps, if that interests you.

I use C# for game development, had to take java 1&2 in school and it was surprising how similar they are.
I dont get why people hate on PHP, it has it's uses.

as for op, whether java is useful is irrelevant, you want to learn the thinking and logic.
Never become a programmer by trade. Use programming as a tool to give you the advantage in another role.
Do yourself a favor and don't ever refer to it as a "Java Degree" in front of any potential employers. Not trying to bag on you. Taking classes does shows initiative, and could help you land an entry level spot. But when you start tacking the word "degree" onto words it doesn't go with, you'll sound uninformed.
PHP 100% bro, there is a reason its the most popular lang, namely because it is the best, most secure, highest performance language out there.

Because as a programmer you are a dime a dozen in any tech company. But if you use programming to automate and innovate in your workflow in another field (like IM for example) you can make a lot more money and have more success.
Because as a programmer you are a dime a dozen in any tech company. But if you use programming to automate and innovate in your workflow in another field (like IM for example) you can make a lot more money and have more success.

Couldn't agree with this post more. I followed this philosophy and learned the very basics of web dev (CSS/HTML/Javascript) and knowing these simple languages make you look like a real boss compared to mere marketers. Being able to craft any page from scratch whenever I want has been the most useful professional skill I've developed so far.