Japan Admits Full Plant Meltdowns


New member
Sep 4, 2008
I was going to post something the other day about the Japan plants and how they have totally left the news. Despite the problem still going on and the highest level of airborne radiation recorded in reactor #1 this week. But decided not to post it.. today I find another article that says that all 3 reactors probably went into full meltdowns and they are only now admitting it.

What an epic mess, they don't have plans to fix everything until mid 2012. Just think about how much radiation has spewed out of these things and floated over the US.

3 nuclear reactors melted down after quake, Japan confirms - CNN.com

Yes, it is surprising how quick the public gets tired of a story, even if it is still of great importance. Reactors are built all around the world in active earthquake areas. I am all for nuclear power, however.
They will down play this disaster forever, this shit will have an impact on the entire earth for a very long time. Anyone hear of the oil spill in the gulf of mexico? Me either....
I was going to post something the other day about the Japan plants and how they have totally left the news. Despite the problem still going on and the highest level of airborne radiation recorded in reactor #1 this week. But decided not to post it.. today I find another article that says that all 3 reactors probably went into full meltdowns and they are only now admitting it.

Everyone keeps saying this, ironically enough when a new article is published, yet in the last three weeks there have been at least 26 articles published on CNN about the Japan nuclear crisis. I don't see how it has "totally left the news"?
Everyone keeps saying this, ironically enough when a new article is published, yet in the last three weeks there have been at least 26 articles published on CNN about the Japan nuclear crisis. I don't see how it has "totally left the news"?

Most people here come to STS for their daily dosage of news.

Haven't you heard?

WickedFire is life.
Everything is all right, the Japanese are very angry, and were punished for it by Jesus!
There are still vast numbers of birth defects and chilhood cancer in the Soviet Union due to Chernobyl.

Me thinks Tokyo may be fucked.

But I hope not.
Wasn't there a thread here about how safe atom mills are?

Yeah there was, but if you remember the thread it was all based on information that was being fed publicly, which at the time even though there was radiation leaking it was a pretty harmless amount. They haven't until recently actually admitted they where p0wned.