James David Manning


pink floyd
Jun 12, 2011
I had already posted this in response in another thread, but it deserves it's own thread. James David Manning is a pastor in Harlem. He's not an Obama fan. Check him out:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1sJDhJ-6iE]The Best of Pastor Manning (version 1) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq-HHb-mUHQ]Bitcoin Pastor Dowell's Take On It. - YouTube[/ame]
"global insurrection against banker occupation"


Yes, it's all the bankers fault. Everyone is a victim.
Why do people rush to their clergy/minster/etc for advice on things besides their religion?
People love authority (being told what to do / believe).

Awhile ago, I watched a grown man ask a cop about the legality of a federal tax issue.

I had already given up on most humans by that point. So, I pretended there was a laugh track in the background, and enjoyed the real-life sitcom happening in front of me.
I prefer distrust of the government AND the church, personally. Trust is misplaced in either, IMHO. You can find plenty of people- yeah, black people.. who are not fans of Obama.

"I don't trust the church or the government
Democrat, Republican
Pope or a bishop or them other men"- Killer Mike (on Obama ""just another talking head telling lies on teleprompters")

Big Boi supported Gary Johnson. Not saying to take your political direction from rappers, but there are plenty of black guys of note who are not Obama fans and not conservative pastors and/or Alan Keyes-types, either.

Yeah, I watched the video. He reminds me of Keenan Thompson as Al Sharpton in drag doing the Rent is Too Damn Guy. So I'm assuming this is for the uncomfortable comedic value.