Jack White on inspiration and constraints


Staff member
Jun 26, 2006
I thought this was pretty good and can relate to our industry.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MckHLBWuz7E&feature=player_embedded"]Jack White - Inspiration- YouTube[/ame]

Good video. Lot of parallels with this book i just finished reading [ame=http://www.amazon.com/The-War-Art-Through-Creative/dp/0446691437]The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles: Steven Pressfield: 9780446691437: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
Shared with my musician friend who has tons of sick gear but rarely produces anything.

The dude's at 37 Signals talk a lot about the value of working within constraints. Their latest book is a quick read that's worth checking out if you have an hour to kill.
pretty cool to hear a bit about why he restricts himself and keeps his ideas simple. I love that line of thinking when it comes to music.
I'm a big fan.

Supposedly he wrote all of the songs on White Blood Cells (one of my favorite White Stripes albums) in a week and recorded them all in 4 days.

I'm a guitar player too. His songs are as simple as it gets. He just executes very well. My guess is he's just like "I'm going to write a song now, using only G C D for chords."

Great message in the video. Want to write a book, record an album, do stand up comedy, design a website, etc? Why haven't you? Do it this week.

/back to work
Big big fan as well and have to say it really is refreshing. I think stripping down the music and forcing things is what helps create the creative spark at causes interesting things to happen.

Some constraint or conflict is what makes it happen.

In project management, work has a way of artificially filling the time up to the deadline because, I think, people are inherently predicated toward the easier, or less painful, path.

I play guitar as well and appreciate the simple beauty and passion that comes out of his songs. It is inspiring because you can create so much out of so little. You just have to believe and be all in.

Applies to a lot of disciplines.
Pain is a helpful force in creativity as well. People will do just about anything to get rid of pain. There's a marketing lesson in there somewhere.....
Pain is a helpful force in creativity as well. People will do just about anything to get rid of pain. There's a marketing lesson in there somewhere.....

Exactly how people make anxiety work for them.

Most people try to escape by watching television, drinking, or something to take their minds off those nagging feelings or forget about that worry that you can literally feel in your stomach.

Others attack it head on, knowing the sooner they conquer it, the sooner they get to feel better.

Both are habits that can be learned and unlearned, it doesn't take anything special to be the guy who attacks head on.