iWorks/Jeremy Johnson could go down for Mail Fraud


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Happy Valley

This business model is like every other continuity/rebill program and it's inner workings to stay processing in order to keep real pubs happy with no cap limits. The angle used to slap 20 years in federal prison? Mail Fraud....nice.

This was no acai colon shit either.....the only thing I can possibly see one doing different is a better job with refunds and shipping UPS or FedEx.

Take money (oh he took it)
+ Don't deliver products
Mail fraud

Mail fraud is an offense under United States federal law, which includes any scheme that attempts to unlawfully obtain money or valuables in which the postal system is used at any point in the commission of a criminal offense.
Don't forget to add a dash of millions of dollars in revenue...still it can still make one nervous.

Our wrinkle cream program is limited to 3 months, no questions asked refunds, all tied to a call center. We are small beans right now in revenue...but still. Makes you wonder why the hell one keeps chasing the growing demise of continuity.