Its True...

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New member
Aug 19, 2007
According to the same 2006 Playboy/Trojan Study there is a significant variation between nationalities. (See Chart Below)
  • Kenya 8.07 in
  • Nigeria: 7.9 in
  • South Africa: 7.85 in
  • Uganda 7.67 in
  • Kenya 7.55 in
  • Brazil 7.4 in
  • Morocco 7.37 in
  • Sudan 7.3 in
  • Egypt 7.1 in
  • Costa Rica 7 in
  • Saudi Arabia 7 in
  • Iran 6.95 in
  • Sweden 6.9
  • Turkey 6.9 in
  • Pakistan 6.75 in
  • Switzerland 6.72 in
  • Germany 6.7 in
  • Israel 6.7 in
  • Russia 6.67 in
  • Mexico 6.65 in
  • Italy 6.65 in
  • Spain 6.6 in
  • Canada: 6.5 in
  • Argentina 6.5
  • France 6.4 in
  • India 6.32 in
  • Greece 6.2 in
  • United States 6.1 in
  • Poland 6.15 in
  • Australia: 6 in
  • Sri Lanka: 5.7 in
  • Japan: 5.5 in
  • Malaysia: 5.4 in
  • Thailand 5.4 in
  • Loas: 5.35 in
  • China: 5.2 in
  • Vietnam: 5.1 in
  • Philippines: 4.9 in


Only in WF would a discussion about the statistical geo-demographics of penis sizes make the questionably correlative jump to women of certain ethnicites being sluts.
Only in WF would a discussion about the statistical geo-demographics of penis sizes make the questionably correlative jump to women of certain ethnicites being sluts.

LOL, no it's true though. The men had to throw it in deeper in order to make offspring. Since the women were promiscuous the male tools had to "evolve". Can't remember where I saw it but best I could do right now was on wiki:

Wikipedia:Reference desk/Archives/Science/2007 March 9 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Hypothesese (sp) I've heard for penis size have tended to focus on 1)sexual position demanded by an upright posture altering the female form and 2)promiscuity, in that more promiscuous species tend to have longer penises (among other things) to try to get their sperm to the egg first. Skittle 16:35, 9 March 2007 (UTC)"
Way to back it up on the fly, mortal! I must say I'm slightly impressed. Now that you put it in that context, I remember learning in my Evolutionary Psychology class that at one time, the females of the primitive human species were believed to have been "promiscuous" due to the desire to insure that there was a wide and deep (so to speak) gene pool and thereby decreasing the chance genetic mutations. The females would choose from the available selection, the fittest of the bunch, also increasing the chances of fit offspring. They would tend to stay close to fathers and brothers to ensure their safety so there really were no "mate/husbands" at that time.

This is all just theory though, not sure how they support these hypotheses.
6.1" - United States
Way to bring us down turbolapp:female:

If we all work hard we can bring up that average.

*back to my daily cock pushups*
Ha, makes the research false! Makes us asians feel better :D

That chart is obviously bs. it says Canadians and Mexicans have larger penises which would cause complete anarchy on this forum forever shredding the thin barely existent thread of concord we still have left.
This is inaccurate. USA should be top of list since I live there.
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