It's friday - Free (short-lived) niche idea for y'all

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Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
My apologies in advance if I'm "outing" anyone's "secret niche idea" here, but seriously - it doesn't take much to figure this one out. It's all about the timing - and the time for this one is now. So quit your whining and get your campaigns loaded up...

Alright...It's friday and I'm in a good mood, so I thought I'd share a campaign tip for all of you. Some of you might be aware that tomorrow is quite a special day in US television history. No?

To those who don't know: On June 12th (0:00 hours), the analog tv signals broadcasting to rabbit ear antennas across the country will be turned off. Millions of households have prepared for this moment for a while, but...surprise: there will be millions of homes who are NOT gonna be prepared for tomorrow, even after months of public announcements, etc.

This will create a dilemma for millions of people overnight. All the folks who are still sitting at home with analog tv sets, rabbit ears, tin foil Pringles cans, or otherwise unsuitable equipment will get a black screen tomorrow - and chances are, a lot of them will flip out!

And....a lot of them will go online and search for stuff like "WTF?!? why did my tv go black?"

Here's where you come in. ;)

Get your domains, campaigns and landing pages ready for some easy sales. Some ideas:
- digital converter boxes
- collect emails for your free "How To..." DTV guides
- zip/email submit offers (some of the networks have HDTV offers)

For any content you might need, do your research here:
The Digital TV Transition: What You Need to Know About DTV

The demographic will mostly be lower income, lower education households so keep that in mind with your ad and page copy. This may also mean you will have better luck with stuff not requiring a purchase over the internet, but only testing will tell.

I'm not gonna go after this niche myself, and probably only 1/10 out of anyone reading this post will actually try it, so get in while you can.
Oh, and a great weekend to everyone! :)

If you are dumb enough to not know this is going to happen, I hope you do not have a computer.

That being said people are dumb so this can be a really good idea.
I bet you fortunes were made in direct mail for this- that demographic (65+) was probably ALL about the full page converter box ad in the AARP's rag.
I still cringe at the thought of people out there using old fashioned antennas. Wake the fuck up!

"My name is Jenny and I live happily with my convicted felon Kilroy, and our 7 kids Jezebel, Billy Bob, Jethro, Bambi, Jim Bob, Cletus, and Betty Lou.

Here's a picture of us in our single-wide trailer and our tinfoil-covered antenna my husband made from pieces off an old grocery cart. Our tv screen went black on June 12th, but thanks to two awesome websites - we got it all fixed.

Here's whatcha gotta do....OBEY...."


"My name is Jenny and I live happily with my convicted felon Kilroy, and our 7 kids Jezebel, Billy Bob, Jethro, Bambi, Jim Bob, Cletus, and Betty Lou.

Here's a picture of us in our single-wide trailer and our tinfoil-covered antenna my husband made from pieces off an old grocery cart. Our tv screen went black on June 12th, but thanks to two awesome websites - we got it all fixed.

Here's whatcha gotta do....OBEY...."

If you are dumb enough to not know this is going to happen, I hope you do not have a computer.

That being said people are dumb so this can be a really good idea.

Not necessarily, I don't watch TV at all and it doesn't interest me either so I would not have a clue what the fuck is going on in the TV world.

Nice little post IAG.

"My name is Jenny and I live happily with my convicted felon Kilroy, and our 7 kids Jezebel, Billy Bob, Jethro, Bambi, Jim Bob, Cletus, and Betty Lou.

Here's a picture of us in our single-wide trailer and our tinfoil-covered antenna my husband made from pieces off an old grocery cart. Our tv screen went black on June 12th, but thanks to two awesome websites - we got it all fixed.

Here's whatcha gotta do....OBEY...."


Yee-Haw Jenny, I'm also from <script>geoip_get_city_location()</script> an I dun followed those instructions on this here website and dun signed up for the free trial. I'm gonna mount the new aerial on mah truck - I guess it will pick up those CB channels over yonder just fine and dandy yessiree bob.
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