It is Sinful to Call a Priest "Father"!


WF Premium Member
Sep 5, 2010
I'm always amazed and saddened at the ignorance of Catholics. I mean, Matthew 23:9 forbids us from calling any man "Father" (i.e., to respect men as God); yet, this is exactly what Catholics call their priest. Victims of Catholicism have even been brainwashed to believe that their priests can forgive sin. We know from 1st Timothy 2:5 that they are LIARS, because ONLY Jesus can forgive sin.
Even the Pharisees of Jesus' day weren't so arrogant as to believe they could actually forgive a person's sins (Mark 2:7). Don't be fooled friend, take a good look at the photo to the left. People are being led to worship the leaders of the Catholic Church. I see photos of people bowing down to statues of the Pope, kissing priests hands, etc. This is so wrong!
The following is the Catholic's defense of calling priests, "Father"...
"Jesus criticized Jewish leaders who love "the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues, and salutations in the market places, and being called ‘rabbi’ by men" (Matt. 23:6–7). His admonition here is a response to the Pharisees’ proud hearts and their grasping after marks of status and prestige." —SOURCE
The "Pharisees' proud hearts"? Look again at the above photo. As I said, even the Pharisees of Jesus' day weren't so arrogant as to believe they could actually forgive a person's sins. Who's proud? The Catholic Church LIES to people, by deceiving it's victims into believing that Jesus didn't mean what He said.
For Catholics to differentiate between the Pharisees of Jesus' day, and the religious leaders of today, is absurd! Religious leaders are not to be recognized as anything more than sinful men, who have no special power with God. Even the greatest men of God, such as the Apostle Paul, are still sinners, unable to forgive anyone's sin. The Catholic Church says one thing, but does another.

As a long time Sunday school teacher, I can tell with certainty that calling priests "Father" is absolutely a sin. Only by accepting Jesus as our personal savior is it possible for our sins to be forgiven. Only with Him by our side can we enter into the Father's kingdom.
Meanwhile under OP's house:
Pray the Lord for forgiveness OP, Catholic Church would never lie to anyone. If that's what they do, I'm 100% sure that they have a reason for it which may seem wrong from our perspective, but only because we don't know as much as they do.

Repent and just to be sure, better start to call everyone Father
Yes, the Catholic church is and has always been a massive sham. Putting all the predictable ahteist outbursts aside, Jesus Christ made it very clear that one did not need any mediary to ask for forgiveness and that faith was a personal thing.
Back in 1986 I had to go sit for my Life and Health Insurance License exam at a Catholic School.

There was a Preist overseeing the exam.

Everyone was calling him Father and I called him Preist.

After the Exam he approached me and asked why I called him Preist and not Father.

I told him that I was a Christian and Jesus Christ said that you were to call no MAN Father. That all Christians had only one Father and he is in Hean and not on earth.

I went on to tell him that ALL CULTS have Preists and High Priests. So, since he was in the Catholic Priesthood, he was really part of a secular Cult and not true Christian. Needless to say, he was absolutely speechless by the time I turned and walked out. I'm surprised he turned my test in.


When I was in the Marine Corps. I called the Preists a Preist and not Father as well.

I'm an Agnostic Atheist now, so none of it means anything to me anymore.

I even took that stewpit test that someone put up on here awhile back and it was PISSED that it could NOT prove/show that "I" had any belief in a Being Greater than myself!!

