Beck: Bullcrap. Who's your favorite?
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
There's going to be something like this every single day now... lol.
Easily Jefferson.
Didn't see anything wrong with her answer.
Lets see just how fuckin stupid the current 2nd in command is? Shall we?
YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
Really is this guy for real?
She actually surprised me a bit with her knowledge of George Washington.
Popeye, the "ummm", the "you know", the look up, the lame "all of them" signals that she doesn't frickin know any. Eventually she hauls out Washington which almost anyone in the world could answer with.
She actually surprised me a bit with her knowledge of George Washington.
glen fucking beck calls sarah palin out on her bullshit and popeye still defends her.
Glen fucking Beck.
You're right popeye, let's start electing retards.
Our current President isn't looking too bright to me! There really isn't any proof the man is intelligent at all. He won't release his college transpricts so WHO KNOWS!
Reading a speech form a teleprompter that is written by a speech writer does not make one intelligent. Maybe a good actor but that's all.
George Bush got into Yale due to family ties....It is very possible BO got into Harvard Law due to affirmative action.
If he is a genuis maybe it's time to let some of the "normal" people govern, because the elite with big degrees are sucking balls at it.
glen fucking beck calls sarah palin out on her bullshit and popeye still defends her.
Glen fucking Beck.
You're right popeye, let's start electing retards.