It Begins... Beck: Who's Your Favorite Founder? Palin: All Of 'Em

Easily Jefferson. He wrote the backbone of the current American political philsophy.

I have kept a framed pictre of Jefferson in my office for the past 15 years. He and Carl Sagan are my heroes.
Didn't see anything wrong with her answer. She actually surprised me a bit with her knowledge of George Washington. Ask Pelosi, Jackson Lee any of those kooked out bitches the same questions and THEN you would have a dumbass reel for sure.

Lets see just how fuckin stupid the current 2nd in command is? Shall we?

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Really is this guy for real?
Easily Jefferson.

Hell yeah, he wrote the initial draft of the Declaration of Independence in a day. (I think.)

Didn't see anything wrong with her answer.

You wouldn't, popeye.

Lets see just how fuckin stupid the current 2nd in command is? Shall we?

YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

Really is this guy for real?

Didn't watch the reel, but I'd hold back a bit if I were you. Palin is just getting started, by the time she's done we may have hours of footage.

Trust me, Biden is far more intelligent than Palin.

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

I read somewhere they had her around a globe at some point explaining the importance of individual countries. Specifically, she was totally ignorant of North Korea (or why there even is a North and South Korea.)

She actually surprised me a bit with her knowledge of George Washington.

Why'd it surprise you? Because she's a dumbass?

(You can be right-wing/republican/whatever you are and not support this woman, so why do you?)
Popeye, the "ummm", the "you know", the look up, the lame "all of them" signals that she doesn't frickin know any. Eventually she hauls out Washington which almost anyone in the world could answer with.
Popeye, the "ummm", the "you know", the look up, the lame "all of them" signals that she doesn't frickin know any. Eventually she hauls out Washington which almost anyone in the world could answer with.

Intelligence is not the most important factor in making a good president, VP etc. Look at BO..very smart yet on the road to being the WORST president in history. Ronald Reagen was not an intellectual, yet he is regarded as one of the greatest presidents in modern times.

Just because you can finish a math equation or quote from a history book you read, does not make one a good leader or politician. All this shit about Palin is just partison talk anyways......Do you ever hear a lefty mention how absoutely stupid Pelosi is....shall I break out the youtube videos???

I will be the first to admit that she is not the smartest politician around but there are many, many more that share that same title. Where is the leftys hammering on them EVERY single day?!?!?!? If I were a lib, I would cool the constant bashing of every conservative in the world. The majority of Americans are sick of hearing how dumb and racist EVERY conservative is. If the libs keep it up, its going to bite them in the ass come election time.
I don't really see the problem with the video. Of course she's an idiot, but her answer is good. And what she said about Washington is right on. He didn't want to be King George I even though many Americans would love a king these days. Just because it's a popular answer doesn't make it a bad answer, especially with her reasoning behind it. It's no different than answering Jefferson because he wrote the Declaration of Independence.
She's a politician/ex-governor/pundit and a favorite founding father didn't quickly jump into her mind, even Beck said bullcrap.

Beck said bullcrap because it was the same answer she was pounded for when she "answered" the question, "What newspapers do you read?". Palin, "All of 'em."

Beck said, bullcrap, because he couldn't believe she just said that, again.
I really don't understand all of the anger directed at Palin. If you want to see a liberal foam at the mouth just show them a 30 second Sarah Palin video. The effect is immediate.

To me she just seems like your typical soccer mom that decided to run for public office. I mean she doesn't have much political background, and she doesn't come off as the smartest politician in the world. Thing is all of the wonderful smart politicians (you know the ones that give you the "right" answer for every question but lack anything that resembles morals or a backbone) we have in Washington now are the ones that have fucked things up so bad anyways.

One of the smartest presidents we ever had was Nixon and look at the stupid shit he pulled.
I'm a conservative and I don't particularly care for Palin but I gotta say I love how she makes lib's blood boil
I usually dont have much to say about Beck because he is just as wishy washy as the rest of the faux news crew - however, he does have moments that give me hope.

I love that he exposes Palin even more. She can't answer what paper she reads. She cant even answer who her favorite founding father is? JEFFERSON you fuckin idiot!

This lady looks great for receiving dick but thats about it. She has no brains, whatsoever. Good for Beck.

Beck needs a real interview - Get Ron Paul or Rand Paul.
glen fucking beck calls sarah palin out on her bullshit and popeye still defends her.

Glen fucking Beck.

You're right popeye, let's start electing retards.
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glen fucking beck calls sarah palin out on her bullshit and popeye still defends her.

Glen fucking Beck.

You're right popeye, let's start electing retards.

Our current President isn't looking too bright to me! There really isn't any proof the man is intelligent at all. He won't release his college transpricts so WHO KNOWS!

Reading a speech form a teleprompter that is written by a speech writer does not make one intelligent. Maybe a good actor but that's all.

George Bush got into Yale due to family ties....It is very possible BO got into Harvard Law due to affirmative action.

If he is a genuis maybe it's time to let some of the "normal" people govern, because the elite with big degrees are sucking balls at it.
Our current President isn't looking too bright to me! There really isn't any proof the man is intelligent at all. He won't release his college transpricts so WHO KNOWS!

Reading a speech form a teleprompter that is written by a speech writer does not make one intelligent. Maybe a good actor but that's all.

George Bush got into Yale due to family ties....It is very possible BO got into Harvard Law due to affirmative action.

If he is a genuis maybe it's time to let some of the "normal" people govern, because the elite with big degrees are sucking balls at it.

He was president of Harvard Law you have any idea what that means? If you do, then your statements above would have to be sarcastic. But since you're a die-hard conservative that will defend Sarah Palin as someone who belongs in the political arena I have to assume you have no idea about how brilliant or hardworking you have to be in order to get on Law Review (one of, if not the most prestigious groups you can join in law school), let alone become president of Law Review at Harvard.