Issues with my VPS - Please help :)


New member
I have a vps and they made some changes the other day and now it appears every wordpress mu site I have setup is now 301'ing across to another domain.

When you try to go to it sends you to and it does this for every single site.

Does anybody have any suggestions? the htaccess files are normal so it must be something in the configs :(

I hope you opened a ticket with them first thing.

It sounds like DNS or apache problem. The site is not being recognized by apache so it is throwing up the server/apache default site.
Wordpress Mu + other domain = usually means wildcard DNS support got dropped and as such the request is going to the accounts default domain (course if shared then basically whoever the first person on the list is).

But definitely a DNS issue if its doing it to the primary domain too.
Wordpress Mu + other domain = usually means wildcard DNS support got dropped and as such the request is going to the accounts default domain (course if shared then basically whoever the first person on the list is).

But definitely a DNS issue if its doing it to the primary domain too.

The primary domain is ok for wordpress mu and I can get into the config. It is just the actual mu blogs, I will check the wildcard dns entry now.

I am using sub folder settings for Wordpress MU so dont think it needed a wildcard.
I have had a ticket open for 3 days now :(

It is not even throwing up the apache site.

I have just tried a wget from my server and it looks as if it is 301 redirected for some reason to the breaking trends site.

Well both domains are on the same IP, so its possible your own domains got dropped from the apache or DNS configuration and is going to that one was as a default.

If you had a ticket open for 3 days, other than shooting another ticket out, I'd be looking for hosting that could least respond to you the same day.
The primary domain is ok for wordpress mu and I can get into the config. It is just the actual mu blogs, I will check the wildcard dns entry now.

I am using sub folder settings for Wordpress MU so dont think it needed a wildcard.

if it were just * then I'd say wildcard, but even is going to breakingtrends.

Btw since its a VPS, have you tried restarting apache or bind?
Meh. :p

If can find the DNS zones for the uk domain under plesk, see if there's a * wildcard entry, and also note the IP for that domain. You might also have to take a peak at the apache config for same wildcard entry.

It is doing it for about 15 domains being used with wordpress mu :( It has to be something they have changed on the server.

I just removed the breakingtrends domain completely from the server and it still tried to point to it so it must be something in the config somewhere that they added when I was having issues before.

lol 3days lol

This isn't the first time I've heard Servint taking centuries to respond to tickets... I waited 8 hours and started looking around for another provider.

If I were you, I'd be switching to Karl's Ionvz, as it's pretty obvious the kind of support you're going to get seeing how you weren't even a customer in this thread.
If I were you, I'd be switching to Karl's Ionvz, as it's pretty obvious the kind of support you're going to get seeing how you weren't even a customer in this thread.

Well to be fair he did pay me to go into his server and fix the problem directly. :p But that kind of service would be included with the hosting cost if he were a hosting customer.