Issues With Conversions


New member
Mar 7, 2012
San Francisco
Hey guys,

I have some traffic to my site (about 10,000 visits a month, a little over half of which is organic search), but I am having trouble getting any conversions to the three Clickbank products that I am promoting. The site is mostly geared about digital design and technology news. Here is an overview of a couple of products that I promoted:

referred 44 people to a product on creating logos (gravity ranking about 4)
referred 27 people to a product to help boost subscriber optins (gravity ranking about 27)
referred 21 people to a product on teaching people from work from home opportunities (gravity ranking about 27)

I am wondering if my problem is my copy, the products that I chose are shit/not relevant enough to the blog niche or that I simply don't have enough data yet to know if these products will convert.

Any thoughts you have would be awesome. Thanks.

Your clicks to the offer are very low. I'd be worried if there weren't any conversions after 250 clicks or so.

Focus on driving more relevant traffic to the landing/sales page and split testing your copy. That should give you enough data to move forward from there.
With all due respect, if you don't know if the products are garbage or not, how can you truly write effective copy for it or even research your ideal prospect?

Even if they are garbage, you can at least write copy that overcomes the objections so that people at least try it.

But since the real wealth is in having repeat customers over the long haul, why blindly shoot them to what is probably garbage (it's on CB, after all) in the first place?

I'll bet that if you come up with copy based on a honest understanding of what the products are, you'll find success, perhaps even enough to invest in the skills of a copywriter.

Hope this helps!
Noted ard555 and that is a good point. My concern wasn't so much the products themselves. I have done research and saw other decent reviews and know what they may do. However, after looking at the landing pages I wasn't sure whether they would entice people to buy. I know from experience selling digital products that a landing page can make all the difference so don't want to waste my time on one that doesn't have a good one.

It sounds like I need to focus on getting more people to click to know if they will convert.
Sorry to bump the thread, but I also wanted to point out that I have received about 1,000 hits to one of the pages that the copy was on. I think that only 27 people clicking to the product seemed pretty low, so maybe that page just wasn't a good fit for the link that I was putting in. It looks like a lot of those hits were from Microsoft Bing (I checked the IP address where the clicks were coming from) so the clickthroughs to the product page from visitors were probably actually even lower. Probably like 0.1%.
Sorry to bump the thread, but I also wanted to point out that I have received about 1,000 hits to one of the pages that the copy was on. I think that only 27 people clicking to the product seemed pretty low, so maybe that page just wasn't a good fit for the link that I was putting in. It looks like a lot of those hits were from Microsoft Bing (I checked the IP address where the clicks were coming from) so the clickthroughs to the product page from visitors were probably actually even lower. Probably like 0.1%.

The first thing you need to do is set up analytics so you actually know your exact numbers. You can't run a business with "about 1000 hits" and "probably like .1%" ctr.

27 clicks on 1000 views is .027% ctr. That is very, very poor.

Google "how to increase click-through-rate" and I guarantee you will find enough strategies to easily get that ctr up to .08% or more.
Is is actually 2.7% (we both were off by a decimal in our calculations), but I still agree that is much lower than it could be. I think the problem is that the content wasn't very relevant to the pages that I was promoting. I am creating new content that is a lot more relevant to the products that I am promoting and test where that.

If I could make a suggestion... I'm sure you've heard this over and over, but the money is in the list. You say you get 10k visitors a month. You shouldn't have a problem getting 5% of those to subscribe to your list. 500 subscribers a month - you should easily be able to sell to them if you build a relationship. I pumped out a new newsletter a while ago and I managed to pull a decent 12% conversion rate off them for a $15 product after some gentle relationship massaging. Getting their email lets you market to them again and again. Refer to CCarter's permission based marketing post if necessary.

Thanks xha44a. You are right, I have heard it many times but I still am glad to hear it again. There are never too many times to hear things until they sink through. I have started list building, but really need to invest more in it. I appreciate the stats, even if they are estimates. Gives me a better idea of the ROI, which as you say is a great long-term benefit.