Is Yahoo! Completely Insane?

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New member
Jun 4, 2008
This has just been added to the TOS of YSM:

OPTIMIZATION. In the U.S. only, for those advertisers not bound by an Insertion Order, we may help you optimize your account(s). Accordingly, you expressly agree that we may also: (i) create ads, (ii) add and/or remove keywords, and/or (iii) optimize your account(s). We will notify you via email of such changes made to your account(s), and can also include a spreadsheet of such changes upon your written request. If you would like any of such changes reversed, please reply to such email within 14 days of the change(s), and we will make commercially reasonable efforts to reverse the change(s) you specifically identify. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you remain responsible for all changes made to your account(s), including all click charges incurred prior to any reversions being made. It is your responsibility to monitor your account(s) and to ensure that your account settings are consistent with your business objectives.

Maybe I'm misreading this. But it reads to me like they can go in my account, change anything they want, send me an e-mail, and if I don't like it, they'll make an effort to reverse it back. We're still responsible for these changes they make though and are the ones that have to be logging in constantly to check and see if they are making changes.

Is that correct? Are these guys completely insane?

You should be worried. I have accounts with Yahoo that have been running for 2 years very succesfully. I've optimized the crap out of these campaigns. For Yahoo to just go in and change all of that "for your benefit" is BS.

I guess its ok though because they notify you that they are spending your advertising budget differently than you planned... sheesh.
I highly doubt they would act on those words, only possible case I could see is for select companies who give them consent but with yahoo you never know.
I highly doubt they would act on those words, only possible case I could see is for select companies who give them consent but with yahoo you never know.
Why even add it though? My thoughts are they are desperate, seeing numbers declining, and this is a plan to puff up their numbers for shareholders. After turning down $40/share from Microsoft, they are going to be fried if they can't bring numbers up fast. Icahn wants Yang's head on a stick.
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