Is this too much for a quite new site ?


New member
Oct 22, 2010
Hi ,

i am running a six month old site. ( it is an non english site- but i am doing linkbuilding on english sites and targeted language anchor)

In the first 3-4 months i were running some traffic through some small media buys. Then after 5 Month i started doing some linkbuilding with 2 profile linkwheels.

That worked quite well, cause i was for one of the targeted KWs on 7 ( 300.000 Results)

Then i bought 100 PR 3 Blogposts - waited about an week and ordered another 100 k Blog comments to index it.

Within one day all links got indexed and my rankings for the targeted keywords ( one i told you above and the other one is very competitive) jumped on place 3 both....

..but after another day even for the first keyword the ranking dropped from 7 back to 9 and the very competitive kw to 65...

Anyone an idea what will happen here ? .. shall i do some more linkbuilding right now ? or better waiting ?

hope to get some good ideas about that ..


- Linkbuilding is not an option, you need to keep doing it. The question is, do you really should be doing it that way?. Diversify your backlink sources, and forget about the do or nofollow, just try to make it look natural. There are many services outthere you can get like high pr commenting, SBMs, forum posts (not forum profiles, at least not directly). Tweets and likes also count for a more natural growth.

- The serps jumps are normal when a great influx of backlinks suddenly show up, you need to wait longer in order to see what finally happens. But remember, that this non organic backlink growth could cost you getting sandboxed.
Hi ,

thanks for your answers ...

I know i have to go on with getting backlinks ( regularly) from lots of different ip s / CClass s / etc. - the question is why the first keyword has fallen back - even the domain got 100 of contextual backlinks from quality ( different) domains ? and does it make sense to get more high quality links with perfect anchor or better get some low quality links ?
It has fallen back because;
1. Google has detected some unusual backlink growth and decided it was time to penalize the site since it considered there was a ranking manipulation going on.
2. Google is updating the rankings and positioning you in a different place, if this is the case you will end up higher.

Now, Is it natural to get a million links only pointed to your homepage only and with the same anchor text, even if the links come from private blog networks, and no authority site has even mentioned you?. If you think it's not then start creating pages with long tail keywords (obviously related to the topic) that are fairly easy to rank and start pointing links at them.
... i don t think it is some kind of " dance" cause rankungs are still fixed.


are you talking about craeting pages on freeblogs or on my own domain ( this will be difficult cause it is a shop ) ?
He means the google dance that your site will do in the rankings, especially when you switch up strategies in linkbuilding or if your site is relatively new.
... i don t think it is some kind of " dance" cause rankungs are still fixed.


are you talking about craeting pages on freeblogs or on my own domain ( this will be difficult cause it is a shop ) ?

It is a shop but still has pages right?, not just the home. Proceed with a deep linking strat towards some of them.
thanks for answers ..
just checked the links seo spy and the tool shows most of the blogposts two times :

once when it was on the homepage with it s actual and then i think when the posts moved to the second page, but here the tool shows that the link is missing on nearly all of them ( when i checked they are still there )

Can it be the tool just couldn t find the link or can it be the owner changed something about the links so that crawlers couldn t find them anymore ??

Maybe someone has a good advice on how to get links indexed proper - even blog commenting did well. ( I tryed before with some chaep xrumer blasts and that didn t really work, but maybe it was about the quality ) ?
You do not decide when to link build and when to stop, it is not a choice but a constant need. Going back and forth on the rankings small time is no big deal, it just depends on the number of back links that come to your site.