Is this technically possible?

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New member
Jul 21, 2008

Just want to first say, please don't flame the fuck out of me if I seem to be high on shit. If you'll be nice with remarks, I'll pass around my dildo.

Alright, well I am trying to figure out how to fuck around with Google's Quality Score Bot. That sucker bot who fucks with our campaigns.

Now, since the bot pretty much analyzes our landing page, and basis a good part of it's decision based on our landing page. Why can't we trick it by having it analyze the landing page of our competitors landing page. To further elaborate; like our competitors who occupy the first 3 positions up on top most likely have "Great" Quality Scores. Well can't someone create a special code for the Quality Score bot, so when it visits our landing page, it somehow gets redirected to that competitors page. Which would leave us with a high quality score for our landing page, even if in reality our landing page is as gay as wickedfire( jk).


A similar idea but I always wondered if you could hi-jack your competition. Using shady ad copy can get your site banned when manual review comes. You could technically bid on shitty keywords with shitty ad copy and get your competitor's site banned. I always hated this idea with adwords, but it is technically very possible.
A similar idea but I always wondered if you could hi-jack your competition. Using shady ad copy can get your site banned when manual review comes. You could technically bid on shitty keywords with shitty ad copy and get your competitor's site banned. I always hated this idea with adwords, but it is technically very possible.

Oh, I have been knocking out my competitors for ages. All you do is create multiple accounts, and act like your double-serving your competitors URL. Since Google is so jacked up, they will suspend all accounts advertising that URL. Which will also knock down your competitor.
man oh fucking MAN ...when are people gonna realise you cant fuck wit da big G

it'll just fuck you in the long run seriously if you put some fuckin effort into it its not that hard to please google.

...oh yeah and CA$H
man oh fucking MAN ...when are people gonna realise you cant fuck wit da big G

it'll just fuck you in the long run seriously if you put some fuckin effort into it its not that hard to please google.

...oh yeah and CA$H

I've been fucking a google employee for a long time already, so your wrong.

I'm tired of these gay ass slaps. I would rather pay an Indian 5k to make me some sweet code.
manual review would screw up your whole game

Not necessarily... I refuse to get into it in public though. I showed a few guys at ASE 2008 how you can do it, and even did it to purposely attract a manual review. If anything, by being able to pass the manual review, you are given the green light to fuck around as much as you like, because they rarely do two manual reviews of the same campaign after the first one passes inspection!
Not necessarily... I refuse to get into it in public though. I showed a few guys at ASE 2008 how you can do it, and even did it to purposely attract a manual review. If anything, by being able to pass the manual review, you are given the green light to fuck around as much as you like, because they rarely do two manual reviews of the same campaign after the first one passes inspection!

how did you found the way to do it?
reverse engineering eh?

oh wait, not for public... damn...
Yeah, I can't think of any way to know exactly what IP address the person who is about to conduct your manual review is coming from.

Actually there is a way.

Now if the manual reviewers are using proxies, you are fucked.

But in theory, Google only has manual reviewers based in certain locations in the world. Those certain locations are limited so if you were able to get a list from many other people who use Adwords and analyze their traffic logs to see what general IPs are Google manual reviewers, then, in theory you could cloak all of those IP ranges. Not just one single IP.
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