Is This Legit? Using Affiliate Companies As Clients

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New member
Apr 19, 2007
Ok I am setting up my online portfolio.

Is it legit or common to include companies I have promoted in the past as "clients" in my portfolio?

For instance I do have my SEO clients, marketing clients that I did something for.

But what about affiliate marketing? Like I promoted pokerstars quite heavily as well as jamster ringtones. Can I put their logos on my site as "clients"???


It's up to you how legit it is. You're going to be the one answering the questions when somebody asks what you did with them.
I think it seems pretty "amateurish" to be doing something like this. I would definitely NOT consider them a client. It's like using AdWords or AdSense and saying Google is one of your clients. (Which is something they have in their terms, saying that you cannot list them as such basically)
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