Is this an empty threat from FB?

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Lobster Fisherman
May 20, 2008
New Zealand!
I seem to get this message sometimes when ads are declined.

"The content advertised by this ad is restricted. Per sections 8 and 9 of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines, this content is prohibited from being advertised on Facebook. Ads for this product, service or site will not be accepted in any form, and may result in your account being disabled."

Anyone had problems, when trying similar ads?

It's just a standard cut-and-paste job, nothing to worry about as ZeroOne and Mr. Websites say - I have had the same email for various reasons, they didn't ban me either - I just went back and altered the declined ads and resubmitted.
They aren't going to ban anyone feeding them money. The only way you are going to get banned is if you exploit and take advantage of their system.
There probably not going to, it's really just so if they decide to shit can you for whatever reason they can.
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