Is this a legit email? Or am I being scammed?


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Hey guys,
So I got this email from saying that someone has visited in order to try to get a hold of me. Then the guy in the email says he is interested in buying my site. Is this normal?

This is a forwarded message from

Your personal information for "" is being protected by a private domain registration.
Someone has visited in order to contact you.

The attachment contains their message.

We recommend that you review the message as it may pertain to your domain name.
You may choose to reply to the sender or to ignore the message.

Thank you,

Interested in purchasing emlSubject:
Interested in purchasing mydomain.comFrom: Dude's email

To: Me

I'm interested in purchasing your site. I've been trying to get a hold of you but so far to no avail. Please get back to me, otherwise I'll have assume my emails aren't making it through and I'll keep trying to get in touch with you.

Paranoid much?

He just wants to discuss buying your domain. I don't recall seeing him ask for your credit card info... =P
If you have a privacy protection on your domain this is normal.

Don't give away personal information (obvious). But contact the guy if you're interested in selling your site.