Is there anything "bigger" out there than current AM offers?

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New member
May 3, 2008
The kind of money people pull in with acai, colon etc is pretty impressive but is there anything bigger than this out there? I don't think i've ever heard of some guy selling a shit load of TV's making like 50,000 a day in revenue or something.

So as an individual is this as good as it gets? besides getting into the whole starting your own product or maybe network?

has anyone heard of someone selling products on like CJ for example making a considerable amount more than say a power house acai seller or something a typical AM might sell?

I once heard a story at Search Engine Strategies during maybe 2005 or 2006 in a session where the speaker was talking about this exactly - think bigger, and think outside the box.

He (supposedly) took a look at countries like Dubai and others with tons of construction underway as well as the US and did some research to see what was one of THE key pieces of construction equipment that a single source controlled the majority of the market for. He ended up with some Caterpillar (or 'big equipment equivalent') machine that was new and had something to do with hauling/excavation. It was one of those 'if we had one of those this would go so much quicker' types of things- and he figured the demand would be high.

He supposedly cold called the manufacturer and negotiated a deal for something like 5% of the purchase price (or net? - dunno something very low % -wise) on every one sold from leads he generated built a good looking minisite specific to that machine with all the info he could gather and SEO'd it. So all he really had to do was beat the manufacturer themselves considering the search volume was near zero.

He made the comment that he had only generated a couple dozen leads over the course of a couple of years but had sold 2 machines at something like $1.5M each with a 5% take - so $150k return off pretty minimal work.

I've met a ton of people over the years involved in industries/verticals that are shockingly broad and untapped. Thinking outside the box pays, however you do have to invest some additional time actually negotiating and drawing up contracts with companies, but anyone who only thinks common affiliate offers are the way to make money is nuts.
I once heard a story at Search Engine Strategies during maybe 2005 or 2006 in a session where the speaker was talking about this exactly - think bigger, and think outside the box.

He (supposedly) took a look at countries like Dubai and others with tons of construction underway as well as the US and did some research to see what was one of THE key pieces of construction equipment that a single source controlled the majority of the market for. He ended up with some Caterpillar (or 'big equipment equivalent') machine that was new and had something to do with hauling/excavation. It was one of those 'if we had one of those this would go so much quicker' types of things- and he figured the demand would be high.

He supposedly cold called the manufacturer and negotiated a deal for something like 5% of the purchase price (or net? - dunno something very low % -wise) on every one sold from leads he generated built a good looking minisite specific to that machine with all the info he could gather and SEO'd it. So all he really had to do was beat the manufacturer themselves considering the search volume was near zero.

He made the comment that he had only generated a couple dozen leads over the course of a couple of years but had sold 2 machines at something like $1.5M each with a 5% take - so $150k return off pretty minimal work.

I've met a ton of people over the years involved in industries/verticals that are shockingly broad and untapped. Thinking outside the box pays, however you do have to invest some additional time actually negotiating and drawing up contracts with companies, but anyone who only thinks common affiliate offers are the way to make money is nuts.


The "KEYS" to the KINGDOM are in your words above.

I wonder if the OP really understands just how "In-Valuable" your post above can be if acted upon.


I once heard a story at Search Engine Strategies during maybe 2005 or 2006 in a session where the speaker was talking about this exactly - think bigger, and think outside the box.

He (supposedly) took a look at countries like Dubai and others with tons of construction underway as well as the US and did some research to see what was one of THE key pieces of construction equipment that a single source controlled the majority of the market for. He ended up with some Caterpillar (or 'big equipment equivalent') machine that was new and had something to do with hauling/excavation. It was one of those 'if we had one of those this would go so much quicker' types of things- and he figured the demand would be high.

He supposedly cold called the manufacturer and negotiated a deal for something like 5% of the purchase price (or net? - dunno something very low % -wise) on every one sold from leads he generated built a good looking minisite specific to that machine with all the info he could gather and SEO'd it. So all he really had to do was beat the manufacturer themselves considering the search volume was near zero.

He made the comment that he had only generated a couple dozen leads over the course of a couple of years but had sold 2 machines at something like $1.5M each with a 5% take - so $150k return off pretty minimal work.

I've met a ton of people over the years involved in industries/verticals that are shockingly broad and untapped. Thinking outside the box pays, however you do have to invest some additional time actually negotiating and drawing up contracts with companies, but anyone who only thinks common affiliate offers are the way to make money is nuts.

well, you can still make very much revenue using common affiliate offers, many people make millions a year just from basic offers and using only FB. However if you want any bigger bucks, yes, you definitely have to be original and have new ideas.
well, you can still make very much revenue using common affiliate offers, many people make millions a year just from basic offers and using only FB. However if you want any bigger bucks, yes, you definitely have to be original and have new ideas.

I ONLY push CPA offers - I do fine.

However what's noteworthy is that there are other alternatives.
Yeah, CJ has publishers that do millions in revenue a month. Clickbank says they have paid over a billion. Amazon is still huge and felt the need to have a category in their referral fee structure for those doing over 3,130 items a month.

Keep in mind that if someone here is making big money as the top panty hose affiliate on the internet, they aren't going to tell us about it.
Is there anything bigger? Yes, it's called doing business the real way and not sitting at your parents house getting free rent and ruining the market for the real business people so you can make a 1% margin. Good work.


You're in such a bad mood today!
Search, search, search and ye shall find, shit, if acai and colon was all there was I'd be a broke mutha fucka, there is so much shit out there to promote it's never ending, so yeah FUCKIN SEARCH, and think out of teh box, stop thinking high volume and start thinking qualified, quality, targeted traffic.
Sure you can make more money in certain areas. Jordan Belfort wrote a book (and recently released the sequel) where he describes making $1m net profit per week selling stock and taking companies public. An average Wall St. stockbroker will make over a million a year in his second year after becoming a broker. A lot of people have used the property boom recently to make hundreds of thousands per year, but that's gonna stop for the next 20 years or so.

AM isn't the only way to make monies!
If you can, perhaps you should consider approaching local companies and selling your affiliate/internet marketing abilities? Cutting out affiliate networks and going direct with merchants has its benefits:

-ability to negotiate much higher commissions
-chances are that you will have zero competition against other affiliates
-opens up opportunity to further work if you do the job right and are recommended to other businesses
- opens up opportunity to become an SEO/SEM/affiliate marketing consultant/agency as an additional sideline to your usual business.

The only downside is that you will be paid by the merchant and not by the affiliate network.

Affiliate marketing can be very profitable and also very had work at the same time, so creating diverse streams of income and avenues is the way to go.
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