Is there any way to...

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New member
Jun 27, 2007
Is it possible to forward someone to a different page once they click on your ad.

I've got a campaign that pays on a short form sign up, and it would convert better if the page they landed on was the registration form rather than the homepage. Is there any way to change that aside from bitching to my AM to talk to the advertiser? :p

I've been thinking. What about a split frame? They click through which opens a top bar that auto forwards them to the registration page, and the bottom frame would install the tracking cookie.
stuff the cookie in your page, then give them a link to the sign up page

1px iframe or a 1px image with .htaccess forwarding to the site
stuff the cookie in your page, then give them a link to the sign up page

1px iframe or a 1px image with .htaccess forwarding to the site

Also a good idea, but it all seems just a little to shaddy for me. I'm not one to go around screwing advertisers.
Speak to your AM, I was in the same situtation and my AM got me an aff link to the registration page. I explained that it's going to be hard to get conversions if people can't find the registration page.

You wouldn't be bitching to your AM, they get commission from your sales so they want you to increase your conversions.
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