Is there a percentage check on online sales?

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Worseless and lurking
Jan 22, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
OK, this might be a long shot here but, I figure with all of the statistic ease of the internet and the tools available, this is possible.

I'm trying to find a site or someone I can go to and view a percentage of how many sites offer any certain type of product on the net?

For instance:
Number of websites on the net selling shoes - 500
Number of websites on the net selling purses - 25,000
etc... etc... etc...

I searched everywhere for this but couldn't find anything on it and I'm thinking there isn't a service like this available or I'm just missing the proper terminology to search for it...

You can pull basic information just by performing Google searches on what websites you are interested in. For example, if you search for "Ford Truck Parts" you will get umpteen million responses. When you weed it down further to, perhaps, "Ford Truck Transmissions" you will get a better estimate. Try to go down as far as you can go to your specific niche. "1997 Ford Transmission Clutch Plate" would be a good, specific search. The more detailed your search query, the more accurate your estimate will be.

You can also use the Overture search tool as a (very) approximate guide as to what people are searching for. Keyword Selector Tool

There are many other keyword search tools out there, many better than Overture but most of those you have to pay for.
Try froogle. Some sites won't be on there and some will be several times but you should get a rough estimate.
You can pull basic information just by performing Google searches on what websites you are interested in. For example, if you search for "Ford Truck Parts" you will get umpteen million responses. When you weed it down further to, perhaps, "Ford Truck Transmissions" you will get a better estimate. Try to go down as far as you can go to your specific niche. "1997 Ford Transmission Clutch Plate" would be a good, specific search. The more detailed your search query, the more accurate your estimate will be.

You can also use the Overture search tool as a (very) approximate guide as to what people are searching for. Keyword Selector Tool

There are many other keyword search tools out there, many better than Overture but most of those you have to pay for.
Bookmarked. Thanks Chuck. You big homo.
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