Is the Flip the best tiny camcorder?


New member
Nov 29, 2007
I'm thinking about getting one of those little camcorders and wondering what you think the best one is.

I'm never kept up with video, so the only one I have heard of is the Flip; is that the best one?

I would like to keep the cost to $200, or less.

Ipod Nano 5g has video that is pretty damn good. No zoom though. Might want to check it out, plus its a mp3 that is thin.
The Flip? Pssshh...

Kodak Zi8 has expandable memory and an external mic jack. Flips are for new moms taping their kids one hour at a time.
I got my wife a High Def. Flip - she loves it and it pretty easy to use, and the picture quality is actually really good. Just keep in mind, even though it's HD, it still isn't a total replacement for a regular camcorder. But it's great for sticking it in your pocket and having access to video without having to carry around a larger camcorder.
I guess I should have mentioned this would be for minor things. Just looking for something more capable than my cellphone camera, that has good quality and I can carry around with me, so I don't have any more of the "wish I had a video camera to record this" moments.

Just looked at the Kodak Zi8, looks pretty sweet. I never heard of it until now. Seems to have better max resolution than the Flips do.
I have the mino HD 120 and it's pretty damn sweet. The video is really good but the only downfall is no expandable memory... But just put the video onto your computer and delete the old stuff. There probably wont be many instances where you need to record over 2 hours of video without being near a computer.
+1 for the Flip Mino-HD. Great picture quality, low price (~230), ultra-portable. I've gifted it to 4 people since it came out and they all love it.
No optical zoom =fail. I'd rather have a small compact camera that takes excellent stills and great video than a flip with ok/good video and no stills.
i cant think of any practical uses of a tiny camcorder than busting it out to get footage of exploits..