Is Solution to State Deficits Only a Mouse Click Away?

The US didn't have income taxes AT ALL until the 1920's. And we know what happened right after that.

Right now our tax rate is even with Sweden. Did we get our money's worth there?

And each of you guys is getting an extra $750 this year tacked on to take care of Greece. Via the IMF.

There a couple guys here who appear to be Democrats as well. That is just astounding to me.
The US didn't have income taxes AT ALL until the 1920's. And we know what happened right after that.

Right now our tax rate is even with Sweden. Did we get our money's worth there?

And each of you guys is getting an extra $750 this year tacked on to take care of Greece. Via the IMF.

There a couple guys here who appear to be Democrats as well. That is just astounding to me.

There are no Democrats on this site or any other site. Democrats are extinct. Your either a Independent or a Republican. The socialist, maoist, communist, enviromental anarchist etc. have taken over the Democrat party.

The true democrats are either changing sides, retiring or currently scared to death of the administration, keeping their mouth shut and not sure what to do.
Wow California how about instead of trying to charge an internet sales tax you stop hiring fuckall government workers who dont do shit all day.

Im not even talking about teachers or firefighters or the new east-bay side bay bridge remodel, its all the office people in the public departments doing the paperwork that waste our tax dollars for the most part. 80% of them do less than 2 hours of work a day, thats where your tax dollars really are going to nonproductive workers and facebook/zynga since that's what they do all day.

I know people in these cushy positions and they complain when they get bombarded with more than a few hours of work or paperwork and then brag when they have nothing to do.