Is it possible to stretch side slices?


New member
May 3, 2008
So i just sliced up a site in photoshop like so...


Now when ever i try and expand the site with content the content section expands so now i need to know if its possible to make the side bar slices expand or stretch to make it keep up with content section and not just make the image move down with the content. Is it possible?

Yeah even i couldn't really understand that but was hoping someone would get what im trying to say lol.

Basically in the image above the different colors represent the different slices i've made in photoshop then exported it to html. Now im editing it in dream weaver and the grey part is the content part. I can get the content part of the site to expand when I need more room when filling the area with content.

The problem is the side parts (the black boxes) are on the side of the content won't expand with the content. So now when the content section of my site expands longer the side graphics won't get longer and expand with it. I just need to know if its possible to make those side graphics either repeat or if there is a code to make it stretch out like a background image.
assuming you have those two side images attached to a css selector, you can just use "repeat-y" in the background declaration....


#left-sidebar{background: url(path/to/image.jpg) repeat-y 0px 0px}
Just to add in if your side images are a solid color its best to have them a 1pixel height image.
You can add a background color, which would be your best option. I.E. you have a "middle" div containing all your side navs and content divs. Add background color to that. Then, just make your content div that is in the center the color you want.

Now, if you are trying to get Faux columns, then you'll want to add a background image to the middle div container as a 10px high image or so that repeats on the y-axis.

There's lots of ways to tackle it, but you should try and go with the less hacked version where possible.