is it possible to outrank a Pr1 page if my domain is Pr 0


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
I am lying on the 2nd place for my KW, the top one is an inner page of a site and has PR1. kind of foolish of me to overlook that when doing KW research but since I have done a fair amount of link building already, i am not gonna stop. so do i have any chance? will a few HIGH PR links pointing to my site suffice or do i need to wait for the next PR update and hope for google to give me PR? what are your thoughts

PR doesn't mean a hell of a lot when it comes to ranking. A PR1 can beat a PR3. Just keep building links and make sure your onpage SEO is spot on.
indeed. I just started learning seo stuff but my trial run is pr0 beating lots of pr3's and higher. I don't even think google really takes much consideration to pr from reading some of their documentation.

I'd imagine my first site will soon catch a boot to the sandbox but like eat it said just get your onpage going and build varying links and make fist fulls of moniez to roll around in neked with prostitutes and cocaine.