Is it normal for a network not to pay weekly on certain offers?


New member
May 3, 2008
To make a long story short I moved my traffic over to a network i worked with while back and have good history with. I am pushing good volume with a certain offer. then the offer goes dead on this network like it did on the previous network. So instead of switching to another network and not getting paid for another 2 weeks while they put me on weeklys. I decided I would push a different offer on the same network. The offer is in the same category.

With the previous offer I was set up for weekly payouts and now i switch to this different offer. Now im getting told I can't get paid out until every month. They say the advertiser doesn't pay them until every month therefore they can only pay me every month...

I am pushing good volume. No complaints about my quality or anything, But they still wont give me weekly's because of the advertiser. Is this typical? I know in the past most networks ive worked with paid out weekly if you did enough volume no matter when the advertiser paid em. I know its been really shady with advertisers nowadays, but come on... a whole month to get paid? How am i suppose to keep cash flow up if I am spending thousands a day?

Before I move on to a different network I just want to know if this is typical among other networks to not payout weekly on some offers now? Or is this network being a bunch of cheap bastards? And yes it is a big network.

That would be a huge red flag for me, if they're willing to payout weekly on one offer but not another than that means they're having cash flow problems, they don't trust the advertiser to pay or pay on time, or maybe even both. If I were you I'd try to find the offer on another network, especially if they have a history of screwing over affiliates when they get screwed by advertisers that made it through whatever vetting process they use.
Could happen I suppose. With some lead people they need some time to validate the leads and make sure they're legit. So if you went from a sale product to a leadgen I could see some network saying this.