Is it needed to learn PHP?

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New member
Jul 8, 2007
I would like to know peoples opinion on it.

I have currently been hiring freelancers for web design & programming for my websites. I basically have them do it all and I just run it through the admin panel.

My questions is: As an Internet Entrepreneur/Marketer is it necessary/beneficial to learn PHP/MYSQL?

My main goal being to create many small internet businesses or websites.

My answer is yes, but I'd like to know other sides of the story. I 'm not interested in learning it. Although, if it is beneficial to my businesses; then I would.

I would just learn it so I have a well understanding of it, but I would still hire freelancers to complete my project.

Any opinions, advice, and stories are more then welcome..

If anything, you should learn enough to be able to look at the code and understand what it's doing. This way, you can make modifications and shit without having to wait for your coder to get back to you (and not have to pay someone to make a 2 second fix). Also, once you know the basics, the rest is just practicing with different functions as you need their functionality for a project.

I say learn it, but for now, it is probably a lot more economical to hire a freelancer to code a big project from scratch, because of all the time you could be doing the things that you're most proficient at.
No, it's not needed but some knowledge is helpful to keep a tab on your coders. You never know what shit they are cooking up behind your back...
not needed like said above, but i learned it because im cheap and would rather be paid to do it then pay someone to do it for me
i would learn it. its really not to hard to grasp and its not at the level i want to be at but it sure has helped AlOT. grab php with mysql essential training. its floating out in torrent land.

also Poke around seocracy and smaxor's blog
PHP helps a lot if your this kind of guy who doesnt really trust others and their quality of work and are a perfectionist.

I always try to do all the core operations myself to decrese the risks ;)
I'm leaning PHP now. I've out sourced several projects and all of them had me wishing I'd done it myself...... not for the cost, but for the hassle.

If you do outsource anything, make it a condition of the job that the code is HEAVILY commented.... that way youre guaranteed to understand at least what each bit does.
php is my favorite language. i love it. i think you should learn it, its great to understand how everything stated above, for editing and simple stuff it makes it a lot easier.
I haven't read through all the posts in this thread but on my own personal experince you don't have to learn everything about it, but as stated its a good idea to get comfortable with the basics its super easy to learn some basic PHP, click here to download some resources that can help you out a bit.
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