Is Gmail Broke?


Pedaling Down The Road
Dec 21, 2012
Capac, MI
Haven't gotten an email all day in my Gmail account...
Even sent a bunch of test emails from other email addresses.
(I checked my spam folder)

I've had this going on today too. Irritating, how the fuck are my hundreds of fake consumer identities supposed to get anything done like this? They are just dicking around on facebook now
This issue is affecting less than an estimated 0.024% of the Gmail user base.

couple hours later

The email delays are affecting less than 50% of Gmail users.

Mine is acting really sporadic. Works for an hour then won't send anything. I'm receiving emails that were sent like 3 hours ago...
Yup - they are having huge problems right now. One of their biggest customers is down...
FUUUUUUCK. Now how will I catch up on the juicy stuff my fake minions are doing through automation and scheduling on social platforms? It's what keeps me going. How will I know who is friending and poking my faksies on Facebook? How will I know who is retweeting the spun garbage they post on twitter? How will I know how many repins they get for the scraped images they post every 2.5 hours to pinterest??? You mean I have to go to all these sites, like actually go there??? gtfo