
New member
Jul 19, 2010
I created a few campaigns to do some testing and wassup with the outrages bidding prices... is Facebook on crack, how are you suppose to make any money.. is anybody else seeing these bids...'s rough. I've been seeing as high as 9 dollars lately. From what I hear, it gets better as your CTR gets better...and I haven't seen an ACTUAL cpc above 1.70, if that's any consolation.
Yeah I've noticed their suggested bids are a little crazy lately. Best to ignore them, it's a little hard if you haven't done any business on FB in a particular country before as you don't know what's reasonable but definitely don't go with what they suggest.
Ignore it. Them putting a high suggestion CPC helps them milk the brand advertisers/small biz's further on by making them believe those are the "normal" rates.

If you've been advertising on FB for awhile now, you should know what the realistic starting bids should be for each demo.

Ex. On US Males 25-45 yo, single, wants women; a good starting suggestion bid is 0.85-0.95. Then obviously once you lock in the good CTR, you start bringing down the CPC slowly.
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Yeah, crazy bids but i think those are set for branders. Look at russia market, $5 CPC for a mature demo lol.
I havent done bidding yet. But have heard about crazy biddings. It depends on you how you have made a campaign and how you go bidding.
You need high CTR for low costs and when you get high CTR you are on their radar and get banned for no reason.
Facebook it's too much to deal with.. moved on to better sources that want my money.
i always bid high to get the best position anyways. You'll burn a little money, but once you get an ad with a good CTR, the cpc will drop quickly. I don't manually adjust anything- I let their system do it automatically and still wind up with .01 clicks on good ads.
A lot of those high bids are people just throwing new ads up to get a good CTR so they can get a good CTR. Once you have a good CTR your CPC will drop significantly.
You need high CTR for low costs and when you get high CTR you are on their radar and get banned for no reason.
Facebook it's too much to deal with.. moved on to better sources that want my money.

such as...

*flame suit on*
Anybody here have any success with facebook PPC??? If so I would like to chat with you...
Anybody here have any success with facebook PPC??? If so I would like to chat with you...

Go away

edit: I apologize man I googled something earlier and was forced to read through a whole thread at WAFO and I got sick reading posts by some of these fucking people. Yours reminded me of that which I saw earlier. No hard feelings

ignore it ? ? ? ?
^ not sure where you are going with that comment 60k and i had ran the ad for a total of 2 hour between both days.

reach is now at 1.5 mil and cpc is cut in half if that sucks I will take it any day of the week.
^ not sure where you are going with that comment 60k and i had ran the ad for a total of 2 hour between both days.

reach is now at 1.5 mil and cpc is cut in half if that sucks I will take it any day of the week.

sorry, i was confusing reach with audience. kudos to you.