Is acting strange?

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New member
Mar 9, 2007
I love this forum and also check out on a daily basis. Today when I try to go to any page there it is trying to install something on my hard drive. This is happening on both firefox and IE.

I want to know if this happening to anyone else or is it just my computer.

You are not the only one. I tried to login in this morning and the same thing happens to me in both Firefox and IE. Have they been hacked?

Blackhatworld BLOWS anyway all that shit is good for is selling fools like yourselves bullshit blackhat systems for big bucks........and now they r trying to install spyware buahahahahaha ......SUCK IT
Still having the same problem.. I thought its only me has the problem.. luckily when googling for answer found this thread.. :)
I shot Dave an email about it.. probably another rogue mod being a wanker. Wouldn't be surprised if it were Harro behind it, or maybe he'd just take credit for it so we can later find out it had nothing to do with him in the first place. Hahaa!
Actually, it was only Dave having server problems. He's gone and bought a new one now and everythings back to normal.
Thanx for all concerned and all good now, new servers.
No hackers or bugs, spyware paranoid bastards.
everything is back on normal, thanks for understanding.

Sticks79, i will refrain from saying some nice words to you cause this is Jon's forum, but i am stunned by your attitude.
everything is back on normal, thanks for understanding.

Sticks79, i will refrain from saying some nice words to you cause this is Jon's forum, but i am stunned by your attitude.

Well, you gotta respect the fact that WickedFire is more of an ally with BHW, SEOBH, and SYNDK8 than anyone else in the industry. Kinda rare to see forums like these getting along with one another pretty well, and a BH-friendly but non-BH forum like WF accepting them all as friends and not enemies like everyone else does.

It really bothers me when other forums don't accept that BH is just another form of marketing online, and one that should not be considered evil just because the views of it's members are different in terms of how to "spread the message". It's not like ebooks where they scam from start to finish, or WH SEO types where they have no idea what they are talking about from the beginning and just pretend to be great people, but they are all really fake. Nope, the world of Black Hat Search Engine Optimization is made up of people who generally know their shit, and are a good 4-5 years ahead of everyone else in the game.

Although, I do understand Nick's comment, because BHW is more of a warez forum these days than anything else. Not to mention BHW had that rogue Mod who duped my buddy Dave and now they have that cheater as a mod, Harro, who is one of the dumbest pretend hackers in all the land. So yeah, if Dave cleaned up the place a bit, they could be very powerful, but I won't knock him or his forum because I have a lot of respect for BH SEO types of forums.

Dave, you should consider that whole kiddie/warez cleanup.. but then again, we at WF do have the free ebook shit, so I can't pretend to be honest or better.
Blackhatworld still seem to be having server problems its just about the only site l can't access at the moment.
Blackhatworld still seem to be having server problems its just about the only site l can't access at the moment.

No one gives a fuck except you.. so quit posting about it here you dope.

Oh yeah, enjoy the ban sucka!
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