Is AuctionAds Shitting The Bed?

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New member
Jan 1, 2007
It's been down for about 5 hours now...

The worst part is that your sites are going to take forever to load because it waits for the auctionads timeout.

If you have it on your sites you need to temporarily remove it ASAP until they get it back up.

It seems to work good for me but then again I just woke up like 10 minutes ago, so all this could have happened when I was sleeping.
hey cdc,
i dont use auction ads, but i like your site wagerank alot, there a ton of good info on there
omfg, GREAT
I cannot remove it because i have it hard-coded in like 60 pages.. greeaaaat

60 pages or not it does matter all you need to do is find the code and put nothing in its place and it will remove it in ...5 seconds well at least it does in dreamweaver and notepad 2
It seems to work best if your traffic is highly targetted. I have it on one of my sites where the traffic is about as targetted as you can get and it performs much better than adsense. I have it on other sites that are more general and adsense runs circles around it.
It seems to work best if your traffic is highly targetted. I have it on one of my sites where the traffic is about as targetted as you can get and it performs much better than adsense. I have it on other sites that are more general and adsense runs circles around it.

Yeah I agree the blogs I've got it up on are quiet targeted and I get more click throughs with AuctionAds then I do with my Adsense and my Adsense is has a much better Ad placement.
60 pages or not it does matter all you need to do is find the code and put nothing in its place and it will remove it in ...5 seconds well at least it does in dreamweaver and notepad 2

wtf are you talking about? are you saying that it wouldn't be a pain in the ass to manually remove the same piece of code from 60 pages?

and why don't you learn to separate thoughts into sentences.
wtf are you talking about? are you saying that it wouldn't be a pain in the ass to manually remove the same piece of code from 60 pages?

and why don't you learn to separate thoughts into sentences.

He's saying how you should use Dreamweaver to "find and replace" code in all your files. It takes about 5 seconds altogether to do.
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