Is an EMD .ws or .me worth it?


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I've been doing some more niche research and might launch into a new one here. Need some advice. Are the less domains worth the effort here? I've heard Bing doesn't care if you're a top level or not so it might be worth it based on that alone.

Using google's keyword tool I've found low competition for a 3 word EMD. No top level EMD's exist as actual sites. They're all parked and not even parked with adsense. The available EMD options are .mobi .ws and .me

55,600,000 Global Monthly Searches
6,120,000 Local

I've worked in the niche for over years and could smack a website together with some adsense and wordpress in less than a day. With that last sentence I think I just convinced myself. Still looking for seasoned opinions on possible pitfalls and successes using these "lesser" domains.

I did just find an alternate EMD with .co .info and .org available. Same search volumes as I think google treats some word interchangeably when searching some term. Wondering if those might rank better and faster instead.
Google is cracking down on EMD's that are build just for affiliate sites and adsense...
If you're still going to do it you might want to spend as little money as possible "smacking" the website together.
I still see many EMD's ranking in google with very less backlinks , so I assume its still working in some cases
I would go for a partial EMD .com over what you listed any day.

I was thinking along the same lines, yet almost opposite a few minutes ago. I've wondered about adding a 4th word, a repeated keyword that would essentially be sandwiching a question with a main keyword.

I don't think they have the advantage they used to and Google may well be suspicious of EMD's for trophy keywords until they have a few authority back links.

I actually avoid EMD's that have traffic and choose a generic brand name with the keywords in the URL and title.