Is a post considered a page?


New member
Jun 12, 2011
Sunny South Florida
When you all talk about ''50 pages of content'' being a decent starter point for a niche site, if using WordPress, is a post considered a ''page of content'' or should I be making actual pages in the site heirarchy?


posts and pages are all the same thing in regards to indexed pages of content in search engines. Even tags and categories count as indexed pages and can attribute to having "duplicate content" found on your site.
posts and pages are all the same thing in regards to indexed pages of content in search engines. Even tags and categories count as indexed pages and can attribute to having "duplicate content" found on your site.

Well that is good news huh? Thank you :)

Tags are more general and categories more specific?
Posts tend to be date stamped in WordPress and this will often carry over into SERPs pages, it's better to use a page for permanent content IMO.

I've heard various arguments about publish dates having an impact on rankings, I've never seen any evidence personally.

Also, WP uses ping-o-matic to ping various services when you publish a post - this may be useful on a new site for indexing etc...
Posts tend to be date stamped in WordPress and this will often carry over into SERPs pages, it's better to use a page for permanent content IMO.

I've heard various arguments about publish dates having an impact on rankings, I've never seen any evidence personally.

Also, WP uses ping-o-matic to ping various services when you publish a post - this may be useful on a new site for indexing etc...

Excellent - I'm new to all this but it makes sense that a new page for each ''permanent piece of content'' is a great tactic.

ping-o-matic, interesting concept.

Thank you for your information on this topic =)
Overall WordPress is a poor content management system because it's for creating web logs not web sites. It can of course be made to work but it's well worth spending some time making sure you set it up right.

It's full of holes SEO wise as well, but I'd hate to suggest you spend all day worrying about pleasing Google at the risk of user experience. If your on site experience is good chances are it'll also work well for search engines too.

Have a think about your information architecture, then when you've got a road map in place have a read through some of the resident WordPress expert sites like for more technical SEO considerations.
Generally 'page' is any particular page of website (blog post or 'about us' page).
d_diggler explained about WP.
Sometimes webmasters use pages (in WP) to make key-word optimized articles and they use posts to add relevant content regularly (news, articles for long tail keywords). They put links in these posts and point them to pages.
Date stamps can be removed from WP posts if you want.