IQ Quiz Offers..


New member
Feb 10, 2011
So I was running some IQ Quizzes via a new traffic source I just stumbled upon. I was running the offers with EWA, I tried one IQ Quiz where they enter their phone number into and pay the monthly fee ($9.99 - $19.99), then I ran another one without needing their phone number that was free.

The paid offer didn't convert at all, but the free one was converting at about 10%, sometimes higher. The only problem I have, is the payout, which is like $0.45 a lead.

My traffic source is free traffic but takes quite an amount of effort/time to push these offers, and the only thing I found that's converting is the free IQ Quiz, so far.

So my question is, are their any IQ Quizzes (or something similar that may convert), that are free and have higher payouts? Or anything you think may work, I tried a couple games but not as much luck as the free IQ Quiz.

If there's not, then thanks anyway, thought it'd be worth it to at least ask.


Plus you're gonna get booted from the "free" offers if those users aren't converting for the advertiser on the backend, which is prob gonna happen since paid subscriptions aren't converting when you tested.

I'd go to a plan B. Test alternate offers... Downloads maybe?