IQ Quiz Offers Being Scrubbed?


New member
Nov 20, 2006
Anyone else experiencing huge epc drops on iq quiz offers? Seems like it went into effect three days ago. Conversions dropped in half.

This happens eventually with most offers. Start looking for alternatives and or switch to the same offer on another network.
Did you see this across multiple offers? If not, split test multiple offers and shift traffic accordingly.
If you run the offer long enough, this is a natural occurance. Changing creatives and LPs will certainly help.
They are not scrubbing. They are being forced to put more disclosures on by the wireless carriers which is causing conversion numbers to drop. Also some of the offers are having to go through a double opt in if they are on AT&T which crushes the conversion numbers. That entire space is headed the wrong direction. . .
^^Exactly- the thing that's killing conversions is the text message they get once they enter their phone number. It's hard to have tiny fine print in a text message.

IQ, like ringtones, seems to be dying a slow and painful death.
They are not scrubbing. They are being forced to put more disclosures on by the wireless carriers which is causing conversion numbers to drop. Also some of the offers are having to go through a double opt in if they are on AT&T which crushes the conversion numbers. That entire space is headed the wrong direction. . .

When did this happen?

My conversions dropped 33% last week.