ips bots and proxies question

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Jul 6, 2007
At my desk!
ive been reading and learning alot lately about programming outomated webbots to do things for me that im too lazy to do like blog building, scraping etc...

now i have no problem building the bots (im getting quite good at it :rasta:) but im struggling at how to run them anonomously or via a proxy..

here is my question...

lets say i have a php file on my server which contains my bot script... lets call it bot.php.. now if a visitor clicks on a link to trigger bot.php... which ip address would the bot be using? would it be the ip address of the server that holds the php file , or the ip address of the browser that triggered the file?

im getting really confused and im keen to let my bots go

any help, guidance, tips, etc appreciated:D

Here is an example using phpproxy.


http://site.com/bot.php urlencoded(). Make all your bot commands in $_GET format then you can just encode them and run them through the proxy.

I would make a list of multiple proxies and use random ones each time, to avoid getting banned by the proxy owners. You also have to make sure that the proxies allow the refer to be from somewhere else besides their own site. I don't believe the above proxy allows for it.
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