iPhone/iPod Touch App Ideas

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I'm a Coder
Mar 14, 2007
As some of you may know, I develop applications for the iPhone/iPod Touch using the new SDK. I've got a few applications undergoing the (long) review process to be let into the App Store, so I have some downtime. Anyone have ideas for something they would like to see on the iPhone/iPod Touch? Depending on the idea and a variety of other factors, I may just offer a revenue stake in exchange for an idea (assuming revenue). So, have at it

I'm guessing you've seen it, but the Android contest produced some pretty interesting mobile apps. Sorry I have no original ideas or input.


Good luck man :)

Edit (semi-original idea): Take a look at the locale app, pretty nifty stuff that can be applied in a lot of ways. I thought it would be cool to have something like "RescueTime" but worked off of GPS. Not sure if the iPhone has support for GPS, I've only briefly used one.
The iPhone does have a built-in GPS (3G), and a pseudo-GPS (2G). However, apps can't run in the background. So, for something like that, the app itself would have to be open to send/track data. Kindofsortof defeats the purpose. Great idea though.
How about some sort of hide and seek game that utilizes online leaderboards?

Here's the idea: The app has admins that place 'beacons' at certain locations around your town/city/state/country. The user is given clues as to where the beacon is, and is given x attempts per day to find the beacon.

The beacon is not a tangible object, of course. Instead, it's just a GPS location that's stored in a database somewhere. I imagine the user would go to a location that they think contains the 'beacon', press some big friendly button on their iPhone, and see if they've found the right spot. If not, they have x-1 more tries to find it that day. If so, they get a point and get online bragging rights.

There wouldn't be any real reward to the game other than having a nice big number next to your name on the leaderboard. I imagine it would inspire competitions among iphone users who have a lot of free time on their hands.

Maybe players with a lot of points could place their own beacons once a month or something. Also, maybe you could work out something with an advertiser to have some sort of contest where the winner gets some sort of tangible prize (gift card, etc) or have all the users end up in their store (Starbucks, etc).

Just an idea.
"fondle the hooker"

And you monetize it by having the user look at ads/fill out zip/email submits before getting to the next stage.
Am I the only person that sees HUGE potential in point-n-click adventure games like Myst or the old LucasArts stuff like the Monkey Island series on touch enabled phones?

Seriously, a good script and a decent illustrator, and you'll be able to get some sweet games going.

As much as I like the old games, and running DosBox on my PDA, I kind of remember all the old puzzles, so it's not really all that fun.

Easier still, get a team together, and buy into rights for NDS games and multi-platform them onto the iPhone.
It's got OpenGL and power to spare, so if you an figure out how to code them for the iPhone, you'll be laughing.
I also have some apps awaiting review at the app store and a couple that have been approved. My company released LOLcats free and premium and LOLdogs and they got approved.

I also have an app called Affiliate Stats awaiting review that shows you how much money you've made today, yesterday and this month from 6 affiliate networks with APIs. It connects to the APIs via https on the phone and doesn't send any data to me or anyone but the networks.

I'm working on brainstorming a game idea right now. I agree with Harvey that games on the iPhone are a huge opportunity, and point and click games are much easier then learning openGL. I'm also really excited about how well admob is working out, we are making a pretty decent eCPM from the ads on the free lolcats app.

Which app of yours is awaiting review DomainRealty? I'll check it out when it gets released.
I've got a few apps awaiting review. Both of them are more things I built in my spare time (took longer to sign the damn apps than to build them...) than things I expect to profit from, but I'm looking to move away from that. The one that took me more time is an iPhone client browser for Demotivationals.org (yeah, it's mine). It will, of course, be free, as will the other application.

Assuming they ever get out of purgatory, of course.
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