iPhone CPA offers

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andrew wee

New member
Dec 1, 2006
FYI, the iPhone officially launched at 6pm, June 29th.

Copeac just launched a slew of iPhone offers.

If you've got a niche apple/smart phone site going, or a related site, you might want to get the offers up ASAP.

the zip/email submits are going for $1.x - $2.x and one is even going for close to $8 per lead.

It's gonna be hot for the next 6-12 months for sure, else you can push traffic to the applestore aff prog on CJ (yes,....i dont like CJ either) for iPods or iTunes aff prog on link share..

good luck!

If you arent already on copeac, and would like to sign up, you can sign in under me if you'd like.
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np, nacho.

Since everyone's advanced, i think you know how to set up your squidoos, myspace profiles, i'm playing with the wordpress "podpress" podcasting plugin now (whoa...triple alliteration). get that into the itunes podcast directory, stick your apple CPA offers in the post, and you're good to go.

If you're good with camtasia or other screencap apps, you do do a single static image video, or walkthrough a CPA offer, keyword target it with apple, iphone, ipod, load it on youtube....and boom!

Have fun, boys and girls!

time to run and gun....
Ive seen a few of these cpa offers out on other networks. Its funny, when I searched iphone two days ago to see what would show up there were I belive 2 sponsored ads, I search today I see tons of ads, and this was at random times too.
i think most of the CPA networks were under embargo and were requested to time their launch offers with the 6pm 29th june launch date.

a number of them are retooled $500 applestore vouchers though.

if you are planning to get an iphone (and would like to blow $600 on a cell phone) the brick and mortar apple stores are selling a limit of 2 iphones per person.

online, iphones will be available through the apple store (and you can lock into its aff prog), and at&t mobility (haven't really looked into cell phone affiliate mktg yet, maybe mkrongel can shed some light on this).
I thought this was a good, available domain.

Good luck to regger. :D
This sounds great. It's nice that the main CPA networks are getting in with this offer quickly. The faster they get in, the more money they will make and the more happier their publishers will also be, while walking to the bank. lol
Thanks for the heads up Andrew.

Offtopic, why are people overpaying on eBay when the phone is widely available in stores?
You gotta look at who's buying.

The Apple iPhone is available only in Europe end 2007 and asia 2008.

So if you can't get ahold of it in your home country, ebay is the next best thing.

Just so you know, there're still guys in asia paying up to $600-$800 for PS3 and xbox360 on ebay, just because they want the US edition. Especially if there's any kinda region coding/locking,. it bumps up the value.
It's not really profitable to promote Apple Iphone with CJ. Their commission is 1% and even if they buy the 600 dollar phone, you'll get 6 dollars per phone which is really terrible. Anyways, this niche isn't new at all. Free Iphone offers with the zip code insert have been partners with azoogle for quite a while now.
I think you're refering to iPod offers?

Here's the iPhone ad from Conan: YouTube - Conan - iPhone Commercial

In in case the iPhone isn't your thing, here's a bikini vid:
YouTube - Got some new clothes

It's not really profitable to promote Apple Iphone with CJ. Their commission is 1% and even if they buy the 600 dollar phone, you'll get 6 dollars per phone which is really terrible. Anyways, this niche isn't new at all. Free Iphone offers with the zip code insert have been partners with azoogle for quite a while now.
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