IP Proxies and people selling them....how do they create them to sell?


New member
Sep 29, 2009
I am a recent user of scrapebox (finally) and I see that using private proxies are the way to go when posting your comments.

Was just wondering how those serviecs like Proxy Bonanza, yourprivateproxy, etc create the ip proxies that they sell to others?

They they just use something like HostGator along with some software to spit those babies out?


Not what I asked....I know what a proxy SERVER is I asked how they get the large list of ip addresses to sell to people using apps like scrapebox.
web hosts can purchase blocks of IPs from the controlling bodies to dish out to accounts. So if you buy a 1 ip hosting account, and request a few more ips, after they approve you, they go grab them and assign them to your account.

Then, you install a proxy server script and wire up those ips they gave you to it. Done.