Investing in BRK.A ?


Dec 12, 2007
If you had $250,000 to invest would it be wise or not to buy 2 shares of Berkshire Hathaway BRK.A, currently $120K per share?

why not buy B shares? I've had my money there for a few years, and weathered the shit storm pretty good.
If you don't know shit about the market or don't have time to learn, then buy index funds. However, this stock is, in a sense, an index fund without the fees. I guess it just depends on how you feel the company will be impacted once Buffett leaves. I've owned BRK.B for about 2 years now and although I have profited decently, it's more of a safe harbor for a smaller percentage of funds. If you are young or you don't need the money in the next few months, buy something else.

Check out other blue chips like BAC, JPM, F, or GM.
So you have to ask yourself 2 things.

A. What's your time horizon?
B. How long is Buffet going to live and keep running the operation?

I'm sure that stock with plummet when Buffet is gone.
Life expectancy at Buffet's year of birth (1930) was 58.1 for males. He's 80 now. Death is on the horizon, short that mofocka.

I hope you dont listen to anyone on here. BH is not anything close to an index fund. An index fund is greatly more diversified (less systematic risk) and follows the overall stock markets average movement. BH's main business is insurance..

The answer to your question depends on many questions:
1.) What is your objective? (growth,income ect)
2.) What is your time horizone( depending on this answer you would choose a more conservative/aggressive approach)

If you need help PM me. I am very active in the market and have done very well. I also have a series 6/7.(brokers license)

Ill stick my neck out on this one... BAC call options- May 2011 $15 strike..96 cents... I expect it to at least double by expiration.. I do have a large position in this. Will sell half of my position when it doubles and let the rest ride.
I pumped almost all my cash holdings into the market when the Dow was at 8000. Now, I'm moving away from investing in anything I don't have at least some control over. Max out my IRA and then invest in other areas. The stockholder's response should Buffett die tomorrow is too concerning.

Now, if there was another terrorist attack and the market plummeted again, I'd pump all my cash into the market again, but only temporarily.
Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel

Ill stick my neck out on this one... BAC call options- May 2011 $15 strike..96 cents... I expect it to at least double by expiration.. I do have a large position in this. Will sell half of my position when it doubles and let the rest ride.
