International Email or Zip Submits

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New member
Nov 16, 2007
Hey guys. I need to find a CPA offer that accepts international traffic which is an an email or zip submit. Can anyone help?

You basically have two different options:

1. Join the main affiliate networks and search around or ask your AM which ones may convert the best for your visitors. I know for a fact that Ads4Dough has international email submits.

2. Serve different ads by looking at their IP and geo-targeting. If you do some research, there were articles describing how to limit ad serving to just US visitors so that you could avoid getting banned while serving Yahoo ads.

Php redirects based on country? - Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Forum • View topic - .htaccess Geo IP country redirection of website users

I've used MaxMind before and it's pretty decent.

Do #1 if you don't have much traffic/time/money. Do #2 if you have massive international traffic, because it'll take some money, time, and experimentation to implement. Or do #2 and limit ad serving to US visitors if most your visitors are from US.
I think option #1 cool. I have the page redirecting to two different iframes. 1 for international traffic and the other for US. It's kinda tough nailing down a good international zip or email offer than pays more than .50 cents or so
There's a few networks that have some international offers, the best bet is to go through some networks to find them or contact each network to see if they offer some and then signup to them, but always do some research on each network first.
copeac I know offers some international. I know in my facebook and some other campaigns they will redirect my international users to some bullshit smiley $1.20 a download offer. check out ads4dough as well.
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